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`quix status` could make it easier to discover the Redpanda Console #48

Open krisajenkins opened 3 days ago

krisajenkins commented 3 days ago

quix pipeline up is an easy way to get a Kafka instance. It also gives you a really nice GUI to work with, but that's not obvious unless you know to look for it.

If we added these lines into quix status and quix pipeline status (see #44), then it would be easier to discover:

$ quix status
✓ Logged in
  User:                       kris.jenkins@clearercode.com (Kris Jenkins)
  Organization:               Kris Jenkins (krisjenkins)
  Current context:            default (https://portal-api.platform.quix.io)
  Default environment:        ! Not set
  Sdk Broker configuration:   Local (localhost:19092)
✓ Local Pipeline Status:      Running (1/1)
✓ Local Broker Status:        Running (localhost:19092)
✓ Local GUI Status:           Running (localhost:8080)                        <--- Let's add this!
✓ Docker installed
✓ Git installed
  Git Root:                   .../simple-kafka-python
! VS Code not installed
! PyCharm not installed
$ quix pipeline status
Local Pipeline Status: ✓ Running (2/2)
Local Broker Status:     Running (localhost:19092)                            <--- Let's add this!
Local GUI Status:        Running (localhost:8080)                             <--- Let's add this!
  console              ✓ Up 5 minutes
  kafka-broker         ✓ Up 5 minutes