Closed JamesMGreene closed 10 years ago
Maybe BusterJS?
Invited the BusterJS team:
@jzaefferer: Do you think it would make sense to include the Karma, BrowserStack, and SauceLabs folks on this effort?
They're all consumers of the reporter interface. I guess they wouldn't care too much about the details and appreciate a standard. Inviting them is probably the best way to find out.
@JamesMGreene Curious; why leave out the server-side frameworks?
@boneskull: They were primarily left out as I was wary that we would even succeed among the handful of client-side-capable frameworks but the collaboration is going better than I hoped for so far. I am definitely willing to invite NodeUnit as it already supports custom reporters — and apparently can run in the browser as well! :astonished:
I'm less sure about inviting Vows but we can at least make the offer.
I think we're covered for now so I'm going to close this issue but feel free to add a comment if you think someone else should join, too.
Are there any other JS unit testing framework teams that we should invite?
I also think we can safely leave out the server-side-only frameworks like NodeUnit and Vows.