quocvu / hexo-tag-youtube-responsive

Hexo tag plugin to embed a Youtube video that auto resizes with your responsive layout
MIT License
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`start` seems ignored #4

Open lorezyra opened 3 years ago

lorezyra commented 3 years ago

Video does not start at the specified seconds. Why does YouTube seems to ignore?

Here's the tag I used:

{% youtuber video lMBa7gLWyO4 %} 
  start: 143,
  allowfullscreen: 1,
  autoplay: 0,
  hl: en,
  cc_lang_pref: en,
  cc_load_policy: 1,
  color: white,
  controls: 1,
  disablekb: 0,
  enablejsapi: 1,
  fs: 0,
  iv_load_policy: 3,
  loop: 0,
  modestbranding: 1,
  playsinline: 0,
  privacy_mode: yes,
  rel: 0,
  showinfo: 0,
  origin: blog.richiebartlett.com,
  widget_referrer: blog.richiebartlett.com
{% endyoutuber %}

Video is displayed, but starts from the beginning. Am I missing something? From the https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters#start docs, it seems I just need to specify it and it should work.

quocvu commented 3 years ago

@lorezyra are you able to make it start at a specific location when using the standard youtube player?

lorezyra commented 3 years ago

If I go to https://youtu.be/lMBa7gLWyO4?t=143, it works. If I use IMBa7gLWyO4?t=143 for the video ID in the tag, it fails. Specifying the start doesn't seem to work.