quolc / neural-collage

Collaging on Internal Representations: An Intuitive Approach for Semantic Transfiguration
MIT License
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关于训练 #5

Closed Jiangzl closed 5 years ago

Jiangzl commented 5 years ago


quolc commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your comment! We have tested the proposed method using models trained on ImageNet (dog&cat), CUB (birds), VGG flowers datasets, but haven't tried CelebA so far (models for CUB and flowers haven't been publicized yet). We are providing the training script in this repo, so you can train the model on CelebA by yourself.

Jiangzl commented 5 years ago


quolc commented 5 years ago

It took about a week for training a model (450k iter) on single GeForce GTX Titan X GPU. For easier datasets like CUB and flowers (and possibly CelebA), 2 to 3 days (~150k iter) are enough to generate images with decent quality in my experience.

Jiangzl commented 5 years ago

哦哦,好的,还有一个问题就是我在准备数据的时候没有找到preprocess dataset中的脚本文件preprocess.sh,在生成数据集的diename_to_label.txt文件的同时dirname_to_babel_cub.txt文件内存放的是训练数据集的分类文件么?谢谢呐~

quolc commented 5 years ago

We are sorry for forgetting to add preprocess.sh to the repository. I'll fix it. You can use the script on sngan_projection repository for preprocessing ImageNet dataset.

In order to train a GAN on another dataset (e.g., CelebA), please prepare

It assumes the training images to be stored like

- class_A/
    - image1.jpg
    - image2.jpg
    - ...
- class_B/
- ...

there is no assumption on the names of image files.

We are sorry for not having prepared the detailed manual for this, but I think you can reuse cub.py with very small modification (only line 7-9?).

Thank you

Jiangzl commented 5 years ago


quolc commented 5 years ago

Since our GAN is class-conditional one, I don't recommend to treat whole the dataset as a single class, or using continuous label like location of facial parts as the conditions. CelebA also provides binary attribute labels, so I think picking up some of them and using the combinations as classes (e.g., "male + eyeglasses", "female + no-eyeglasses ") is straightforward.

P.S. I use Google Translate to read your comment, so please let me know if I misunderstood what you wrote.

Jiangzl commented 5 years ago


quolc commented 5 years ago

Yes. Firstly classify images based on the chosen set of attributes (e.g., eyeglasses, gender), then train the model using the classified dataset. Note that preprocess.sh is needed only for ImageNet dataset.

Jiangzl commented 5 years ago


Jiangzl commented 5 years ago

你好,我下来对数据集celeba进行了分类,修改了dataset中的文件路径,将dirname_to_label.txt文件修改为了celebA_txt,dirname_to_label_cub.txt修改为了celebA_cub.txt,但是在运行cub.py和imagenet_dog_and_cat_enc.py文件时依然出错,显示无法取得值和找不到字典的值,我不知道是否是由于我的文件制作有问题,或者我的路径修改不对,希望得到你的帮助,万分感谢~ 以下是我的文件和错误提示: cub_py 这是运行cub.py imagenet_cub_py 这是运行imagenet_dog_and_cat_enc.py celeba celebA.txt文件 celeba_cub celebA_cub.txt文件 list 图片路径 如果你能知道问题所在希望能给我一些指点,谢谢!

quolc commented 5 years ago

I'm sorry for late reply. I found some problems in your screenshots.

Female_with_Bangs 1 Female_with_BlackStrightHair 2 ...

(Is Stright typo for Straight? I don't think it to be a serious problem for running the scripts.)

python3.6 cub.py /media/.../datasets/celeba


Jiangzl commented 5 years ago

你好,谢谢你对我的解答,有问题的文件是celebA_cub.txt,我按照你给的事例对其进行了修改,可以生成image_list_cub.txt文件,但是在运行imagenet.py, imagenet_dog_and_cat.py, imagenet_dog_and_cat_cub.py文件均出现了相同的错误,我已经对py文件中的已知txt文件进行了修改,或许是我的celebA.txt 文件依然有错误?imagenet的图片名都是以n开头,而我的图片是数字的顺序命名,你看是否是这个原因引起错误? imagenet imagenet_dog_and_cat1 非常感谢!

quolc commented 5 years ago

If you want to train your GAN with CelebA dataset, you don't have to run imagenet.py or imagenet_dog_and_cat.py, because they are for training GAN with ImageNet dataset. You can start training using the generated imagelist*.txt.

Jiangzl commented 5 years ago


quolc commented 5 years ago

You should also create a new config file by modifying snprojection*.yml to adapt for your new dataset. Changing _datasetfn, _datasetname and dataset path is needed.

Jiangzl commented 5 years ago

我重新生成了新的yml文件,sn_projection_celeba_cub.yml,其中修改了dataset_fn:datasets/cub.py, dataset_name:celebA, path:datasets/image_list_cub.txt,训练报错显示cub模块中没有属性celebA。不知是否又是哪里的修改不对呢?很抱歉浪费你这么多的时间,同时向你对我的帮助表示万分的感谢!

quolc commented 5 years ago

dataset_name should be same as the class name of your dataset class. If you use cub.py without modification, it should be Cub2011Dataset. Since "Cub2011Dataset" is the name of the bird dataset, I recommend you to change it to CelebADataset, for example.

Jiangzl commented 5 years ago

我修改了数据集文件名和dataset_name为CelebADataset,但仍无济于事,我不是是否是因为cub.py是为Cub2011Dataset设置的原因,修改过后依然是module 'cub' has not attribute 'CelebADataset'的错误 T_T

quolc commented 5 years ago

That error should not be present if cub.py contains CelebADataset class. Sorry, I can't precisely grasp the state of your code and identify the problem. Please create a forked repository and upload your code.

quolc commented 5 years ago

I checked your code. I found datasets/cub.py unchanged from the original code. As I wrote before, you should rename the name of dataset class (Cub2011Dataset) to the one specified in the config file (CelebADataset).

Jiangzl commented 5 years ago


quolc commented 5 years ago

in dataset/cub.py, class Cub2011Dataset(chainer.dataset.DatasetMixin): (line 12) should be changed as class CelebADataset(chainer.dataset.DatasetMixin):.

Jiangzl commented 5 years ago

再次向你对我提供的帮助表示感谢! 我在修改类名之后进行了尝试,提示找不到图片和'NoneType' object is not iterable,但是图片话是确实存在与数据集文件夹中的,并且不同的尝试提示找不到的图片也不相同,其中也有cub.py文件的错误,是否还是我的celebA.txt文件有错误呢? screenshot from 2019-01-11 13-56-11 screenshot from 2019-01-11 13-56-59

quolc commented 5 years ago

I doubt that the command line argument --data_dir should be CelebADataset, not CelebA.

quolc commented 5 years ago

I don't have any idea about the TypeError, but it might be caused by the preceding FileNotFoundError. FileNotFoundError is obvious. Please check the file paths by yourself before posting question...

Jiangzl commented 5 years ago

好的,谢谢,我再看看到底是哪里出错~ :)