quoteunquoteapps / CourierPrimeCode

SIL Open Font License 1.1
52 stars 5 forks source link

Debian Linux does not recognize CourierPrimeCode as a monospaced font #7

Open tcourdy opened 4 months ago

tcourdy commented 4 months ago

After cloning the repository and moving the .ttf font files to my ~/.fonts folder and then running fc-cache -fv debian applications that require monospace fonts are unable to see the font (eg: gnome terminal, gVim).

I can verify that Debian does not recognize the ttf files as monospace by running fc-list :spacing=mono | grep -i courier and noting the omission of Courier Prime Code in the output.

I will note that just the regular Courier Prime ttf font files in this repository do not have this issue.

Debian and linux kernel version:

Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)  
Kernel: Linux 6.1.0-17-amd64
tcourdy commented 4 months ago

I was able to fix this by setting the width of every glyph in the CourierPrimeCode/ufo/Courier Prime Code.ufo directory to have a width of 1228 and to change the <key>isFixedPitch</key> to <key>postscriptIsFixedPitch</key> in the fontinfo.plist file. I then used google's fontmake to create a new .ttf file and copied it to my ~/.fonts directory and then ran fc-cache -v and now debian recognizes courier prime code as a monospaced font.