quotient-im / Quaternion

A Qt-based IM client for Matrix
GNU General Public License v3.0
637 stars 108 forks source link

Change text color #847

Closed philippludwig closed 1 year ago

philippludwig commented 1 year ago


If would be nice if the color/font of the text could be changed. Light gray on white is a bit hard to read:


Steps to reproduce

Version information

KitsuneRal commented 1 year ago

Quaternion picks the foreground colour from the desktop theme. What is the WM/DE you are using?

philippludwig commented 1 year ago

I am using i3. Text is fine in all other Qt applications.

However, I stopped using Matrix now, so I don’t mind if you close this issue.

KitsuneRal commented 1 year ago

I don't close issues just because the poster is no more interested... Thanks for the feedback that it's fine in other Qt applications, that's valuable. I also understand you might not be available for more information, that's alright.

ghost commented 1 year ago

This works just fine in Haiku with the latest commit, so i don't see an issue.

I think the confusion here is that state messages are a bit more neutral gray and indeed have less contrast.

KitsuneRal commented 1 year ago

True. Guess I'll just switch to an italic font instead.