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Chatedit: make default paste mode configurable #854

Closed rpallai closed 1 year ago

rpallai commented 1 year ago

Many people like pasting plain text as there is less trouble with it and does the job. Even Element pastes plain text by default despite being a rich client. This is why this patch switches to plain text pasting by default while makes it configurable.

Other version can be pasted by Ctrl+Shift+V.

Cc #849

berrange commented 1 year ago

While this looks like as a usable workaround, I still feel like the current paste-as-HTML impl is fundamentally broken in its implementation. If it can't reliably paste in HTML that has been selected in the browser window, it does not look fit for purpose as is. Pasting 100% complete well formed HTML documents does not look likely to be the common case.