quotient-im / Quaternion

A Qt-based IM client for Matrix
GNU General Public License v3.0
637 stars 108 forks source link

windows package with Chocolatey? #885

Closed bish0polis closed 10 months ago

bish0polis commented 10 months ago


The Readme says

Since there's no established package management on Windows to resolve dependencies

And I'm curious about our awareness of Chocolatey.org and its packaging ecosystem.

Packages are there; just, maybe not up to date.

Steps to reproduce

  1. choco install quaternion
  2. rejoice

Desired Result

Observed Result

KitsuneRal commented 10 months ago

Oh yes, I'm well aware of it - I wouldn't quite call it established (despite its maturity) so if that line rubs you the wrong way feel free to submit a PR with better wording. As for the subject of the issue - unfortunately, the previous maintainer abandoned the package, and nobody including me never got to picking it up. Would you volunteer to do that? I was told it's not too hard; but I'm on Linux, can't maintain Windows stuff.

bish0polis commented 10 months ago

Oh yes, I'm well aware of it


I wouldn't quite call it established (despite its maturity) so if that line rubs you the wrong way

Seems the word 'established' is subjectively subjective.

All good.

KitsuneRal commented 10 months ago

Heh, so we don't get an updated Chocolatey package. Oh well.