qupath / qupath-docs

QuPath documentation
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Corrected typos #72

Closed Rylern closed 1 year ago

Rylern commented 1 year ago

On https://qupath.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/reference/faqs.html#why-does-my-image-open-but-look-weird, there is also a missing link but I don't know where it was supposed to redirect

petebankhead commented 1 year ago

Ah, it should link to the question two above! Or it can be removed, it doesn't really matter. Either is better than the broken link...

(The docs were written in RestructuredText and then converted to Markdown, so it might have gone wrong at that point)

Rylern commented 1 year ago

I corrected it using the syntax of an existing reference, but can you check that it's correct?

petebankhead commented 1 year ago

Excellent, thanks - yes, looks correct, I'll merge it now.

(ReadTheDocs should build the site automatically - https://docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/pull-requests.html - but the non-obvious thing is that pressing the 'Details' button under the build check should show the built site)