ququplay / jquery-mobile-flat-ui-theme

jQuery Mobile Flat UI Theme
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Buttons not completely flat (and icons not working properly) #8

Closed hessius closed 10 years ago

hessius commented 10 years ago


I'm on JQM 1.3.1 and my buttons are markedly different from those on the demo page. They retain some sort of shadowing. Also, they show a default icon (a + sign) in the background when using the flat icons.

I think this is a similar issue to #7 and the issues are actually present in the fiddle posted there: http://jsfiddle.net/pe54u/

mkuklis commented 10 years ago

@hessius you don't need to include jquery.mobile-1.3.1.css jquery.mobile.flatui.css is all you need.

hessius commented 10 years ago

Doh! If only every problem was this simple
