ququplay / jquery-mobile-flat-ui-theme

jQuery Mobile Flat UI Theme
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Footer is not being in fixed position #9

Open arcoirislabs opened 11 years ago

arcoirislabs commented 11 years ago

I tried making footer area fixed but I am unable to do it. I checked the markup after the html is generated. I observed that the footer is not getting this css attribute top:window height-footer width. Kindly look into this issue.

aboudard commented 11 years ago

it works fine for me for the fixed position, though there seems to be like one pixel under the footer, it looks like it's not exactly on the bottom of the page ... did not investigate further

mkuklis commented 11 years ago

@aboudard @arcoirislabs thank you guys for reporting and investigating it. I will look into it this tonight.

aboudard commented 11 years ago

Can't seem to reproduce the pixel "bug" :| ... don't spend the night on this, if I run on it I would give you screenshots ! Thank you too !