qur / withmock

Automatic Go package mock generation tool
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Issues with mocking packages that have mix of ref and copy funcs #51

Open joesustaric opened 8 years ago

joesustaric commented 8 years ago

To reproduce this try the following.

File Testpack\testpack.go:

package testpack

type TPStruct struct {}
//func (t TPStruct) Method() {}  //Uncomment this line to produce error
func (t *TPStruct) PointerMethod() 

file wmscratch\wmscratch.go:

package wmscratch

import "testpack"

func PointerFunction(t *testpack.TPStruct) {

Test file Wmscratch\wmscratch_test.go:

package wmscratch

import (
    "testpack" //mock

func TestSumSqrt(t *testing.T) {
    ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
    defer ctrl.Finish()


    tp := testpack.TPStruct{}
    tp_ptr := &tp



Uncommenting the func (t TPStruct) Method() {} in the TPStruct package:

controller.go:113: no matching expected call: *testpack.TPStruct.PointerMethod([])
controller.go:158: missing call(s) to testpack.TPStruct.PointerMethod()