quran / quran.com-frontend

quran.com frontend
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[Feature & Improvement] Add possibility of contributions #1118

Closed elvirmuslic closed 4 years ago

elvirmuslic commented 4 years ago

One more suggestion to the business logic, it should be noted that I have not (yet) seen a way to donate or support the development of the website. This should be implemented, either as a donation or add extra features that won't be necessary but could be implemented for looks or something similar.


People like @naveed-ahmad & @mmahalwy need to be developing more and add cool features, we want this site to be better each year and have more people attracted. This is NOT possible without money. Basically if we want a good website and a more development faster and better we pay and make some of the core developers lives easier.

If you want to you can make a pool on the website to see if users would actually like this.

falyas commented 4 years ago

Al Salam Alaikum,

I think you are trying to suggest a fee-for-features model. I do not support that. Recall Ayah 17 to 18 in Surat Al Isra.

English Translation of the meaning of Ayah 17 - 18, Surat Al Isra below:

If you can read Arabic, then I highly encourage you to read the tafser for these Ayahs at a deeper level here: http://www.elsharawy.com/pdfs/Elsharawy_Kwater_017_015_020.pdf

It would be a big and unfortunate lost for this effort to be rewarded only in the Donya.

Please do not add any money payment features to quran.com.

Jazakom Allah Khairan.

elvirmuslic commented 4 years ago

I'm really trying to contain myself here @farahalyasari from making jokes. Nothing can work without money, literally, as I've mentioned even zekat is so that the gov can work and those that collect the zekat are one of the higher category of those that should recieve it.

Now if you're going to push it I will consult a expert on this matter i.e. Islamic fikh & economy expert, but I'd prefer not to but if you do I'll get you a fetwa. Haj is not free and it is an obligation for every muslim, dont you think Saudia Arabia should be charging for it or would you like a dirty and unclean place of worship. Your local imam, shouldnt he receive a compensation, someone to teach the kids and clean the masjid.

Everyone can to these for free, do you? Aleykumu selam

falyas commented 4 years ago

Al Salam Alaikom Elvir,

Please give me some time or a few days, I will consult with a scholar I know.

I will ask her about the matter of getting reward in the Akera if this web application adds fee-for-features.


elvirmuslic commented 4 years ago

That'd awesome, may Allah bless you. I would love to hear what they have to say.

naveed-ahmad commented 4 years ago

Asalamu alaikum brothers, going to close this. JazakAllah kharian for your du'as and good wishes. InshAllah quran.com, quranicaudio.com, android and ios apps will be ad free, hopefully donation free as well. Lot of brothers and sisters has contributed their time, content(translations/audio), developing and maintaining these apps/websites for sake of Allah subhanwatalah.

Let's stop discussing money, and be part of this great platform, make it better inshAllah.