quran / quran.com-images

images using fonts from King Fahed Complex / qurancomplex.org
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Sqlite databases can't be opened by Sqlite3 clients #1

Closed hammady closed 12 years ago

hammady commented 12 years ago

I tried sqlite3 client that comes with Mac OS Lion. It reports that file is encrypted or not sqlite database. I guess sqlite2 databases are not forward compatible with sqlite3 clients? sqlite2 is legacy now, any clue on possible conversion?

ahmedre commented 12 years ago

jazakAllah khairan. btw, i think we're using nextgen (for quran android, for example). i can't remember if the master has the code that does ayah by ayah only or not (nextgen doesn't).

hammady commented 12 years ago

What's nextgen? Do you recommend cloning master branch or the other fork?

ahmedre commented 12 years ago

nextgen is the branch.

hammady commented 12 years ago

we used your project in a different way. We are embedding fonts in the iOS app and rendering pages on the fly. This will save a lot of space to support iPhone/iPad + retina for both + landscape for the four. Thanks for this great resource! btw, do you have any idea where similar fonts for other rewayat/qera'at can be found?

ahmedre commented 12 years ago

that works - i did the same thing while playing around on ios, but in a UIWebView - worked well, but native would have been better i guess.

i am not sure about other fonts :(

btw, there is one error in one font that we recently discovered - http://quran.com/16/29 - the ya' is missing 2 dots. that's the only textual error we've found about in the past 2-3 years (via android and quran.com users and whatnot).

hammady commented 12 years ago

We are using a custom UIView overriding its drawRect rendering text glyph per glyph and wrapping around when necessary, keeping track of each verse rects so that highlighting works on tap gesture, sho3'l 3ala maya beda :)

ahmedre commented 12 years ago

masha'Allah! what are you writing? :)

hammady commented 12 years ago

محفظ الوحيين An App that enables a user to highlight verses and record his voice then check it back manually and mark as memorized showing percentage of memorization per Quran/Juz/sura/... The plan is to support 22 rewayat and we already have audio files per verse for 30 reciters. However, the next challenge is to modify verse text at least to accommodate for different verse-stops for different rewayat. The plan also is to include Hadeeth and other motoon books isA. We have several challenges so pls pray for us. btw we have our first app on the AppStore already: bit.ly/islamhouse-ios bit.ly/islamhouse-android JAK Hossam

ahmedre commented 12 years ago

masha'Allah!!! the funny thing is, i was talking about a similar idea with Hussein and Wael - my idea was more of a way to revise Quran in the car - basically, you would recite, and based on your pauses (and the average length of the ayah as read by several qaris, etc), it estimates which ayah you are on, so when you get confused, you can press a button and it plays that ayah for a sheikh.

i saw islamhouse masha'Allah, may Allah reward you!

i would love to help out with this and i think @hmaher would be interested as well :)

hmaher commented 12 years ago

22 رواية ازاي ؟ ولا في راوي حاطين له وجهين ؟

hammady commented 12 years ago

Yes rewayat not qeraat, check nquran.com which is our source of information.

We haven't started the Android version yet, but if u would like to help, we are in need of data entry tools to fix verses text for rewayat. Reference images are available. We also need to edit font files, basically merging them and modifying glyph codes.

ahmedre commented 12 years ago

mesh fahem - edit font files? are there fonts available for these other rewayat as well? what do you need manual data entry to fix?

hammady commented 12 years ago

No fonts are not available for other rewayat (although I hope they are). In other rewayat a verse may contain some words from another so we need to borrow codes from one font to another. Basically we should merge each adjacent 3 (at least) and modify codes to prevent duplicates.

The other task is to take Hafss verse texts and edit them according to reference images for other rewayat (only change verse boundaries for now) so yes we need manual effort here, although a guided OCR would be perfect of course!

Let's switch to private to discuss more details.