quran / quran_android

a quran reading application for android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Determining audio time for end of page for ayat spanning multiple pages #1497

Open benomaire opened 4 years ago

benomaire commented 4 years ago

This should be helpful for Shemerly (#665) and other riwayat like Abu 'Amr al-Basri (#1211)

Two ideas: idea A:

  1. Adding an extra flag column in the database of each qari. May be called seop (special end of page)
  2. make a duplicate entry for the ayah that spans multiple pages, and use the time of the audio at the end of page for time field.
  3. Activate the flag for that row in the database.
  4. Check for the flag in the app, if it is there, switch to the next page.

I guess the SparseIntArray need to be changed as a first step.

idea B: Make an extra table for such ayat in each qari database, and figure out a way to handle it in the app.

ducaale commented 3 years ago

@tifa2UP To compile a list of the audio time for sections where ayah continues to the next page, is it possible to manually do this for one qari and use https://www.tarteel.ai/ to find where those match with the remaining qaris?