quran / quran_android

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dutch and german translations #174

Open ahmedre opened 12 years ago

ahmedre commented 12 years ago

suggestions from users to use (for dutch): Sofian Siregar translation. can find it on al-quran.info

seems like a sunni translation wa Allahu a3lam from my limited searching online.

ahmedre commented 5 years ago

german translation - extra "(" in 7:28.

ahmedre commented 5 years ago

Concerning sure alFurqan,26 ayet iJust noticed a mistake in the German Elias bubenheim translation...ar Rahman ...would be "Erbarmer or AllErbarmer" ...instead it reads "Allerbanner...NN ...instead of RM..."

ahmedre commented 5 years ago

in surah Ar-Rum (Surah 30 Ayat 43) in the german translation by A.S.F Bubbenheim & N.Elyas there is missing a part of the ayat. In the Sahih International it says:

So direct your face toward the correct religion before a Day comes from Allah of which there is no repelling. That Day, they will be divided. [30:43]

A.S.F Bubbenheim & N.Elyas:

So richte dein Gesicht aufrichtig zur richtigen Religion hin, bevor von Allah ein Tag kommt, der nicht zurückgewiesen wird. An jenem Tag werden sie sich (in Gruppen) spalten [30:43]

The part of the ayat "... An jenem Tag werden sie sich (in Gruppen) spalten" which is in the original interpretation of the meaning, is missing on my app as well as on the website www.quran.com

from another email, it says that after der nicht zurückgewiesen wird above, should be:

An jenem Tag werden sie sich (in Gruppen) spalten.

ahmedre commented 4 years ago

German A.S.F Bubbenheim & N.Elyas translation replaced with quranenc.com version on 3/21/2020.