quran / quran_android

a quran reading application for android
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Zoom functionality #2531

Closed shahawi closed 8 months ago

shahawi commented 8 months ago

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

I don't seem to find zoom functionality in the pages, I will try on my end to find a way and I believe this should be a function that has a medium urgency.

Thank you.

shahawi commented 8 months ago

After using ChatGPT for modifying HighlightingImageView Zooming works but sadly this messes up highlighting, This is the most obvious conflict where there maybe other issues.

I hope someone can figure how to either adjust highlighting with zoom or maybe disable it while zooming maybe making zooming temporary

package com.quran.labs.androidquran.view;

import android.animation.Animator;
import android.animation.ValueAnimator;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.ColorMatrixColorFilter;
import android.graphics.Matrix;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.Paint.Align;
import android.graphics.Paint.FontMetrics;
import android.graphics.RectF;
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
import android.util.AttributeSet;

import android.view.ScaleGestureDetector;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.graphics.Matrix;

import com.quran.data.model.highlight.HighlightType;
import com.quran.labs.androidquran.R;
import com.quran.labs.androidquran.data.Constants;
import com.quran.labs.androidquran.ui.helpers.AyahHighlight;
import com.quran.labs.androidquran.ui.helpers.AyahHighlight.SingleAyahHighlight;
import com.quran.labs.androidquran.ui.helpers.AyahHighlight.TransitionAyahHighlight;
import com.quran.labs.androidquran.ui.helpers.HighlightAnimationConfig;
import com.quran.labs.androidquran.ui.helpers.HighlightTypes;
import com.quran.page.common.data.AyahBounds;
import com.quran.page.common.data.AyahCoordinates;
import com.quran.page.common.data.PageCoordinates;
import com.quran.page.common.draw.ImageDrawHelper;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageView;
import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat;
import androidx.core.view.DisplayCutoutCompat;
import dev.chrisbanes.insetter.Insetter;

import static com.quran.data.model.highlight.HighlightType.Mode.BACKGROUND;
import static com.quran.data.model.highlight.HighlightType.Mode.COLOR;
import static com.quran.data.model.highlight.HighlightType.Mode.HIDE;
import static com.quran.data.model.highlight.HighlightType.Mode.HIGHLIGHT;
import static com.quran.data.model.highlight.HighlightType.Mode.UNDERLINE;
import java.lang.Math;

public class HighlightingImageView extends AppCompatImageView {
  // for debugging / visualizing glyph bounds:
  // when enabled, will draw bounds around each glyph to visualize the glyph bounds

  private ScaleGestureDetector scaleGestureDetector;
  private Matrix imageMatrix = new Matrix();
  private static final boolean DEBUG_BOUNDS = false;

  private static int overlayTextColor = -1;
  private static int headerFooterSize;
  private static int headerFooterFontSize;
  private static int scrollableHeaderFooterSize;
  private static int scrollableHeaderFooterFontSize;
  private static int dualPageHeaderFooterSize;
  private static int dualPageHeaderFooterFontSize;

  // Sorted map so we use highest priority highlighting when iterating
  private final SortedMap<HighlightType, Set<AyahHighlight>> currentHighlights = new TreeMap<>();

  private boolean isNightMode;
  private boolean isColorFilterOn;
  private int nightModeTextBrightness = Constants.DEFAULT_NIGHT_MODE_TEXT_BRIGHTNESS;

  // Params for drawing text
  private int fontSize;
  private OverlayParams overlayParams = null;
  private RectF pageBounds = null;
  private boolean didDraw = false;
  private PageCoordinates pageCoordinates;
  private AyahCoordinates ayahCoordinates;
  private Map<AyahHighlight, List<AyahBounds>> highlightCoordinates;
  private Set<ImageDrawHelper> imageDrawHelpers;
  private ValueAnimator animator;

  private int topSafeOffset = 0;
  private int bottomSafeOffset = 0;
  private int horizontalSafeOffset = 0;
  private int verticalOffsetForScrolling = 0;

  // Draws highlights that need to run before the page image is drawn (to apply clippings)
  private final ImageDrawHelper clippingHighlightsDrawer = new HighlightsDrawer(
      () -> ayahCoordinates,
      () -> highlightCoordinates,
      () -> currentHighlights,
      c -> { super.onDraw(c); return null; },

  // Draws remaining highlights that need to run after the page image is drawn
  private final ImageDrawHelper highlightsDrawer = new HighlightsDrawer(
      () -> ayahCoordinates,
      () -> highlightCoordinates,
      () -> currentHighlights,
      c -> { super.onDraw(c); return null; },

  private final ImageDrawHelper glyphBoundsDebuggingDrawer = DEBUG_BOUNDS ?
      new GlyphBoundsDebuggingDrawer(() -> ayahCoordinates) : null;

  public HighlightingImageView(Context context) {
    this(context, null);

  public HighlightingImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    super(context, attrs);
    if (overlayTextColor == -1) {
      final Resources res = context.getResources();
      overlayTextColor = ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.overlay_text_color);
      headerFooterSize = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.page_overlay_size);
      scrollableHeaderFooterSize = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.page_overlay_size_scrollable);
      dualPageHeaderFooterSize = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.page_overlay_size_dualPage);
      headerFooterFontSize = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.page_overlay_font_size);
      scrollableHeaderFooterFontSize =
      dualPageHeaderFooterFontSize =

        .setOnApplyInsetsListener((view, insets, initialState) -> {
          final DisplayCutoutCompat cutout = insets.getDisplayCutout();
          if (cutout != null) {
            topSafeOffset = cutout.getSafeInsetTop();
            bottomSafeOffset = cutout.getSafeInsetBottom();
            horizontalSafeOffset = Math.max(cutout.getSafeInsetLeft(), cutout.getSafeInsetRight());
                topSafeOffset + verticalOffsetForScrolling,
                bottomSafeOffset + verticalOffsetForScrolling);
    scaleGestureDetector = new ScaleGestureDetector(context, new ScaleGestureListener());
  private class ScaleGestureListener extends ScaleGestureDetector.SimpleOnScaleGestureListener {
    public boolean onScale(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
      float scaleFactor = detector.getScaleFactor();
      scaleFactor = Math.max(0.1f, Math.min(scaleFactor, 5.0f));  // set min and max zoom limits

      // Adjust the image matrix for zooming
      imageMatrix.postScale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, detector.getFocusX(), detector.getFocusY());
      return true;

  public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
    // Let the ScaleGestureDetector inspect all events.
    return true;  // indicate the event was handled

  public void setIsScrollable(boolean scrollable, boolean landscape) {
    int topBottom = scrollable ? scrollableHeaderFooterSize :
        landscape ? dualPageHeaderFooterSize : headerFooterSize;
    verticalOffsetForScrolling = topBottom;
        topBottom + topSafeOffset,
        topBottom + bottomSafeOffset);
    fontSize = scrollable ? scrollableHeaderFooterFontSize :
        landscape ? dualPageHeaderFooterFontSize : headerFooterFontSize;

  public void unHighlight(int surah, int ayah, HighlightType type) {
    unHighlight(surah, ayah, -1, type);

  public void unHighlight(int surah, int ayah, int word, HighlightType type) {
    Set<AyahHighlight> highlights = currentHighlights.get(type);
    if (highlights != null && highlights.remove(new SingleAyahHighlight(surah, ayah, word))) {

  public void highlightAyat(Set<String> ayahKeys, HighlightType type) {
    Set<AyahHighlight> highlights = currentHighlights.get(type);
    if (highlights == null) {
      highlights = new HashSet<>();
      currentHighlights.put(type, highlights);

  public void unHighlight(HighlightType type) {
    if (!currentHighlights.isEmpty()) {
      if (type.isTransitionAnimated()) {
        //stop animation here
        if (animator != null) {
          // this check is essential because
          // if playing first time and stopping
          // before animation is setup

  public void setPageData(PageCoordinates pageCoordinates, Set<ImageDrawHelper> imageDrawHelpers) {
    this.imageDrawHelpers = imageDrawHelpers;
    this.pageCoordinates = pageCoordinates;

  public void setAyahData(AyahCoordinates ayahCoordinates) {
    this.ayahCoordinates = ayahCoordinates;
    highlightCoordinates = new HashMap<>();
    for (Map.Entry<String, List<AyahBounds>> entry: ayahCoordinates.getAyahCoordinates().entrySet()) {
      highlightCoordinates.put(new SingleAyahHighlight(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue());

  public void setNightMode(boolean isNightMode, int textBrightness, int backgroundBrightness) {
    this.isNightMode = isNightMode;
    if (isNightMode) {
      // avoid damaging the looks of the Quran page
      nightModeTextBrightness = (int) (50 * Math.log1p(backgroundBrightness) + textBrightness);
      if (nightModeTextBrightness > 255) { nightModeTextBrightness = 255; }
      // we need a new color filter now
      isColorFilterOn = false;
    // Re-init overlay params color based on the new night mode setting

  class AnimationUpdateListener implements ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener, Animator.AnimatorListener {
    This is an inner class because it needs access to invalidate()
    Set<AyahHighlight> highlights;
    TransitionAyahHighlight transitionHighlight;

    public AnimationUpdateListener(Set<AyahHighlight> highlights, TransitionAyahHighlight transitionHighlight) {
      this.highlights = highlights;
      this.transitionHighlight = transitionHighlight;

    public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
      List<AyahBounds> value = (List<AyahBounds>) animation.getAnimatedValue();
      highlightCoordinates.put(transitionHighlight, value);

    public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {


    public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {

    public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {

    public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {

  private void highlightFloatableAyah(Set<AyahHighlight> highlights, AyahHighlight destinationHighlight, HighlightAnimationConfig config) {
    AyahHighlight previousHighlight = highlights.iterator().next();
    AyahHighlight sourceHighlight;

    List<AyahBounds> startingBounds;
    if (previousHighlight.isTransition()) {
      // The ayah changed during animating
      startingBounds = (List<AyahBounds>)animator.getAnimatedValue();
      sourceHighlight = ((TransitionAyahHighlight)previousHighlight).getSource();
    } else {
      sourceHighlight = previousHighlight;
      startingBounds = highlightCoordinates.get(sourceHighlight);

    final TransitionAyahHighlight transitionHighlight = new TransitionAyahHighlight(sourceHighlight, destinationHighlight);

    // yes we make copies, because normalizing the bounds will change them
    List<AyahBounds> sourceBounds = new ArrayList<>(startingBounds);

    List<AyahBounds> destinationBounds = new ArrayList<>();
    final List<AyahBounds> source = highlightCoordinates.get(destinationHighlight);
    if (source != null) {


    animator = ValueAnimator.ofObject(config.getTypeEvaluator(), sourceBounds, destinationBounds);


    AnimationUpdateListener listener = new AnimationUpdateListener(highlights, transitionHighlight);

  private boolean shouldFloatHighlight(Set<AyahHighlight> highlights, HighlightType type, int surah, int ayah) {
    // only animating AUDIO highlights, for now
    if (!type.isTransitionAnimated()) {
      return false;

    // can only animate from one ayah to another, for now
    if (highlights.size() != 1) {
      return false;

    AyahHighlight currentAyahHighlight = new SingleAyahHighlight(surah, ayah);
    AyahHighlight previousAyahHighlight = highlights.iterator().next();

    if (currentAyahHighlight.equals(previousAyahHighlight)) {
      // can't animate to the same location
      return false;
    // can't setup animation, if coordinates are not known beforehand
    return highlightCoordinates != null;

  public void highlightAyah(int surah, int ayah, int word, HighlightType type) {
    final Set<AyahHighlight> highlights = currentHighlights.get(type);
    final SingleAyahHighlight singleAyahHighlight = new SingleAyahHighlight(surah, ayah, word);
    if (highlights == null) {
      final Set<AyahHighlight> updatedHighlights = new HashSet<>();
      currentHighlights.put(type, updatedHighlights);
    } else if (type.isSingle()) {
      // If multiple highlighting not allowed (e.g. audio)
      // clear all others of this type first
      // only if highlight type is floatable
      if (shouldFloatHighlight(highlights, type, surah, ayah)) {
        highlightFloatableAyah(highlights, singleAyahHighlight, HighlightTypes.INSTANCE.getAnimationConfig(type));
      } else {
    } else {
      currentHighlights.put(type, highlights);

  public void setImageDrawable(Drawable bitmap) {
    // clear the color filter before setting the image
    // this allows the filter to be enabled again if needed
    isColorFilterOn = false;

    // Reset the image matrix to its default state


    if (bitmap != null) {

  public void adjustNightMode() {
    if (isNightMode && !isColorFilterOn) {
      float[] matrix = {
          -1, 0, 0, 0, nightModeTextBrightness,
          0, -1, 0, 0, nightModeTextBrightness,
          0, 0, -1, 0, nightModeTextBrightness,
          0, 0, 0, 1, 0
      setColorFilter(new ColorMatrixColorFilter(matrix));
      isColorFilterOn = true;
    } else if (!isNightMode) {
      isColorFilterOn = false;


  private static class OverlayParams {
    boolean init = false;
    Paint paint = null;
    float offsetX;
    float topBaseline;
    float bottomBaseline;
    String suraText = null;
    String juzText = null;
    String pageText = null;
    String rub3Text = null;
    String manzilText = null;

  public void setOverlayText(String suraText, String juzText, String pageText, String rub3Text, String manzilText) {
    // Calculate page bounding rect from ayahinfo db
    if (pageBounds == null) {

    overlayParams = new OverlayParams();
    overlayParams.suraText = suraText;
    overlayParams.juzText = juzText;
    overlayParams.pageText = pageText;
    overlayParams.rub3Text = rub3Text;
    overlayParams.manzilText = manzilText;
    overlayParams.paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG | Paint.DEV_KERN_TEXT_FLAG);
//    if (juzText.contains("ج")) {
//      // change typeface for Arabic
//      overlayParams.paint.setTypeface(TypefaceManager.getHeaderFooterTypeface(context));
//    }
    if (!didDraw) {

  public void setPageBounds(RectF rect) {
    pageBounds = rect;

  private boolean initOverlayParams(Matrix matrix) {
    if (overlayParams == null || pageBounds == null) {
      return false;

    // Overlay params previously initiated; skip
    if (overlayParams.init) {
      return true;


    // Use font metrics to calculate the maximum possible height of the text
    FontMetrics fm = overlayParams.paint.getFontMetrics();

    final RectF mappedRect = new RectF();
    matrix.mapRect(mappedRect, pageBounds);

    // Calculate where the text's baseline should be
    // (for top text and bottom text)
    // (p.s. parts of the glyphs will be below the baseline such as a
    // 'y' or 'ي')
    overlayParams.topBaseline = -fm.top;
    overlayParams.bottomBaseline = getHeight() - fm.bottom;

    // Calculate the horizontal margins off the edge of screen
    overlayParams.offsetX = Math.min(
        mappedRect.left, getWidth() - mappedRect.right);

    overlayParams.init = true;
    return true;

  private void initOverlayParamsColor() {
    if (overlayParams == null) {
    int overlayColor = overlayTextColor;
    if (isNightMode) {
      overlayColor = Color.rgb(nightModeTextBrightness,
          nightModeTextBrightness, nightModeTextBrightness);

  private void overlayText(Canvas canvas, Matrix matrix) {
    if (overlayParams == null || !initOverlayParams(matrix)) {

        overlayParams.offsetX + horizontalSafeOffset,
        overlayParams.topBaseline + topSafeOffset,
        getWidth() / 2.0f,
        overlayParams.bottomBaseline - bottomSafeOffset,
    // Merge the current rub3 text with the juz' text
    canvas.drawText(overlayParams.juzText + overlayParams.rub3Text + overlayParams.manzilText,
        (getWidth() - overlayParams.offsetX) - horizontalSafeOffset,
        overlayParams.topBaseline + topSafeOffset,
    didDraw = true;

  protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
    super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);
    if (overlayParams != null) {
      overlayParams.init = false;

  protected void onDraw(@NonNull Canvas canvas) {
    final Drawable d = getDrawable();
    if (d == null) {
      // no image, forget it.

    // Save the canvas before applying any clippings

    // Draw highlights that involve clipping the canvas (HIDE, COLOR)
    // Note: this must be done before the super.onDraw call so that HighlightsDrawer has a chance
    //       to apply canvas clippings (e.g. hiding) before the image is drawn
    if (pageCoordinates != null) {
      clippingHighlightsDrawer.draw(pageCoordinates, canvas, this);
    // Draw the page image (excluding clipped out sections)

    // Restore the canvas to remove any clippings so the remaining highlights/drawers don't get clipped

    // Draw remaining highlights (other than HIDE, COLOR)
    if (pageCoordinates != null) {
      highlightsDrawer.draw(pageCoordinates, canvas, this);

    // Draw overlay text
    didDraw = false;
    if (overlayParams != null) {
      overlayText(canvas, getImageMatrix());

    // run additional image draw helpers if any
    if (imageDrawHelpers != null && pageCoordinates != null) {
      for (ImageDrawHelper imageDrawHelper : imageDrawHelpers) {
        imageDrawHelper.draw(pageCoordinates, canvas, this);

    // for debugging
    if (DEBUG_BOUNDS && pageCoordinates != null) {
      glyphBoundsDebuggingDrawer.draw(pageCoordinates, canvas, this);
shahawi commented 8 months ago

Also the gesture of panning does not work because it conflicts with the gesture for page turning

shahawi commented 8 months ago

Sorry for reopening an old issue, Just read older posts.

ahmedre commented 8 months ago

JazakAllah khair - tbh don't think I really want to do this - the solution today is to go to settings, page type, and choose one of the larger page types to fill the screen (or use landscape). In the future in sha' Allah, rather than zoom, will likely fix this using fonts directly instead, and then each person can adjust the size to what they are comfortable reading.

shahawi commented 8 months ago

JazakAllah khair If you need help with the new implementation let me know what needs to be done

ahmedre commented 8 months ago

Will do in sha' Allah thank you