quranacademy / digital-quran-docs

Documentation for Quran Academy data distribution project: Digital Quran - https://quranacademy.gitbook.io/digital-quran/
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Add riwayat #1

Open atefBB opened 5 years ago

atefBB commented 5 years ago

Salam Alaykum. Jazakom Allah Khyran for this project. Have you a plan to add famous riwayats like Khalloun and Warsh to the project?

rguliev commented 5 years ago

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته وإيّاكم

Thanks for your concern. As for the question, different riwayahs are supported by the standard (see the docs here). We added riwayah field in meta-data of a translation. So, in shaaLlah, content for these riwayah will be added too. Unfortunately, righnt now, we do not have reliable content for Warsh or Qaloon. If you have some content, please, let us know. We would be glad to prepare it according to the standard and share it on the platform.

I'm closing this issue, since this repo is related to standards and standards already support different riwayahs.

atefBB commented 5 years ago

Thank you.