quranacademy / digital-quran-docs

Documentation for Quran Academy data distribution project: Digital Quran - https://quranacademy.gitbook.io/digital-quran/
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Quote elements #15

Open rguliev opened 4 years ago

rguliev commented 4 years ago

If faced some difficulties in defining elements for quotes/citations. I would like to discuss it here. I could not find a good markup suitable for all the cases I know:

1) Simple quote. Similar to > in markdown. Might be used for book citation or quoting someone's words 2) Simple quote with a source 3) Simple quote with an author 4) A quote with a chain of authors like Imam Ahmad recorded that Muadh bin Jabal said`. The chain can be long. 5) A quote with a chain finishing with the Prophet's (SAS) words 6) A quote with a dialog 7) A quote can consist of Arabic + translation 8) A quote can contain a footnote/comment