qutebrowser / qutebrowser

A keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on Python and Qt.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Regression][Bisected] Alt + number does not switch tabs back and forth #8169

Open Hi-Angel opened 2 months ago

Hi-Angel commented 2 months ago

Version info:

qutebrowser v3.1.0
Git commit:
Backend: QtWebEngine 6.7, based on Chromium 118.0.5993.220 (from api)
Qt: 6.7.0

Does the bug happen if you start with --temp-basedir?: yes


Some time earlier I noticed that I no longer can switch back and forth between two last tabs by pressing Alt with a number of either of them.

I just started digging into it and bisected this down to a number of commits.

Unfortunately these commits apparently haven't been tested, because each one of them either fails or crashes the browser whatsoever. So the code is not bisectable any further than that:

There are only 'skip'ped commits left to test.
The first bad commit could be any of:
We cannot bisect more!

How to reproduce

  1. Run ./qutebrowser.py --temp-basedir
  2. Open 2-nd tab
  3. Start pressing Alt+2


The browser switches between 1-st and 2-nd tab


The browser switches to 2nd tab just once, and nothing happens anymore.

Hi-Angel commented 2 months ago

That's so weird to see the commits being dated by 2022, whereas I'm certain it is not that old, I would say I only noticed it maybe a few months ago or so…

But FTR, I didn't botch the bisection: I repeated it (this time even in a different way: by checking out good/bad commits along the main branch whereas the post was done by using stable branches as good/bad points), and I came to the exact same commits list.

The-Compiler commented 2 months ago

Works fine for me. The bisect is misleading, those commits just reflect you switching from Qt 5 to Qt 6. If you run with --qt-wrapper pyqt5 it will probably work fine on main too.

This might just be a duplicate of #8127 I think, and the breakage was probably introduced by you upgrading to Qt 6.6.2 or maybe Qt 6.7?

Hi-Angel commented 2 months ago

The bisect is misleading, those commits just reflect you switching from Qt 5 to Qt 6. If you run with --qt-wrapper pyqt5 it will probably work fine on main too.

Oh, I confirm, running with a --qt-wrapper PyQt5 fixes the problem!

This might just be a duplicate of #8127 I think

Well, from the description I am not so sure… It seems to be about the default behavior of a keybinding being changed. But you know the code better, so if you think the underlying reason is the same, maybe so.

and the breakage was probably introduced by you upgrading to Qt 6.6.2 or maybe Qt 6.7?

Hmm, it is possible. I'm kind of afraid of downgrading it, something might break… but it does sound plausible, given you've recently fixed another bug that was related to Qt regression as well…

Works fine for me.

What Qt version do you have?

Hi-Angel commented 2 weeks ago

The problem is fixed after upgrade. Not sure what fixed (QtWebEngine update or the Qutebrowser), so here's the snippet from my current :version:

qutebrowser v3.2.0
Git commit: 
Backend: QtWebEngine 6.7.1
  based on Chromium 118.0.5993.220
  with security patches up to 124.0.6367.202 (plus any distribution patches)
  (source: api)
Qt: 6.7.1
The-Compiler commented 2 weeks ago

Not sure either! Nothing changed in qutebrowser, and I can't find anything in the Qt 6.7.1 changelog that sounds related. Given that I can't reproduce, maybe the culprit was somewhere else (a theme?) and fixed.

Hi-Angel commented 2 weeks ago

Actually, I was wrong, the issue still happens but something apparently influences it.

When I closed it I had to use older laptop for some time and I had Wayland KDE there. Now I'm back to the work laptop and after updating the system the problem still there. So it may be due to Wayland difference or something else, I'm not sure…