qutebrowser / qutebrowser

A keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on Python and Qt.
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qute-pass fails to load password #8180

Closed choufleur closed 1 month ago

choufleur commented 2 months ago

Version info:

qutebrowser v3.1.0 Git commit: Backend: QtWebEngine 6.7, based on Chromium 118.0.5993.220 (from api) Qt: 6.7.0

Does the bug happen if you start with --temp-basedir?:

no tried yet


the title says it all: qute-pass which was working perfectly, only loads login=username, does not load password any longer, even with option --password-only

How to reproduce

invoke qute-pass on any site with login

The-Compiler commented 2 months ago

Please elaborate. What do you mean by "does not load password any longer"? When was it "working perfectly" and what changed?

choufleur commented 2 months ago

It was working perfectly two days ago. I am using the arch package. The password field is left blank, just the cursor blinking on it. Hard to be more specific, sorry.

choufleur commented 1 month ago

I found the culprit. A long time ago, when installing qutebrowser, I did

pip install --user codext

but my installation was outdated. Updating was not easy though. I had to remove (cautiously) files in ~/.local/bin and then reinstall with

sudo pacman -S python-pipx


pipx install codext

Actually, other programs besides qute-pass were impacted as well, for instance isync: mbsync was complaining about codext.

I am not sure if qute-pass is now packaged together with qutebrowser. It used not to be the case, at least on Fedora.

Now everything is back to normal. Thanks !

The-Compiler commented 1 month ago

It would be helpful to know the exact error messages rather than a vague description of them - but it doesn't sound like this is something qutebrowser or qute-pass could fix from what I can gather.