qutebrowser / qutebrowser

A keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on Python and Qt.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Crash on requesting one-time password on National Insurance website #8222

Open hseg opened 2 weeks ago

hseg commented 2 weeks ago

Version info:

qutebrowser v3.1.0
Git commit: 
Backend: QtWebEngine 6.7.1, based on Chromium 118.0.5993.220 (from api)
Qt: 6.7.1

Does the bug happen if you start with --temp-basedir?:

Yes, log with invocation qutebrowser --debug --temp-basedir ps.btl.gov.il is attached


The Israeli National Insurance website seems to be making an unsupported IPC call, crashing the renderer:

[1979939:1979939:0606/171123.855845:ERROR:render_process_host_impl.cc(5365)] Terminating render process for bad Mojo message: Received bad user message: No binder found for interface blink.mojom.WebOTPService for the frame/document scope
[1979939:1979939:0606/171123.855871:ERROR:bad_message.cc(29)] Terminating renderer for bad IPC message, reason 123

How to reproduce

hseg commented 2 weeks ago

Quick search yields https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/20436 which seems related

hseg commented 2 weeks ago

Judging by https://issues.chromium.org/issues/40496103, this feature is meant to notify the browser of the receipt of the SMS message (which obviously fails for desktop browsers)

The-Compiler commented 2 weeks ago

Reproduced with https://web-otp.glitch.me/

This should be fixed by QtWebEngine, but as a workaround, you can add disable-blink-features=WebOTP to qt.args (or pass it with --qt-flag disable-blink-features=WebOTP). I suppose we could add that to qutebrowser as a workaround too.

arrowd commented 2 weeks ago

I bump into the same problem with openconnect-sso which creates a QtWebEngine process.

The-Compiler commented 2 weeks ago

Reported upstream: [QTBUG-126256] [REG 6.6 -> 6.7] WebOTP crashes renderer process - Qt Bug Tracker