qutebrowser / qutebrowser

A keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on Python and Qt.
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Websites scroll to the top when statusbar is hidden #8223

Open jack-faller opened 2 weeks ago

jack-faller commented 2 weeks ago

Version info


Does the bug happen if you start with --temp-basedir?



When opening links, the page scrolls to the top.

How to reproduce

Set statusbar.show to "in-mode" or "never", then execute any command that opens the ":" menu. Type enough text so that no tab-completions display, then exit the prompt. The page will then tab focus onto the first element. This also happens when closing the "wi" inspector window and with anything else that opens the prompt box (/, ?, etc.).

The-Compiler commented 2 weeks ago

Reproduced on GitHub.com. Related:

But perhaps that fix was incomplete in some way...

jack-faller commented 3 days ago

Also worth noting that the same thing happens if you quickly fullscreen a video and escape it. When the "press to exit fullscreen" message fades out, the page scrolls to the top. If the video is fullscreen, it just tab-selects the video element.