Removed wf_gnd_prob in cells 6 to 11 because equivalent to f_gnd_prob.
Added comments on the Floquet spectrum folding.
Added integration options in some functions (possible with the new version of
Some objects needed to be converted to Qobjs.
Modified mesolve to sesolve in the unitary dynamics example to avoid confusion with dissipative dynamics.
Comment on the Floquet-Markov ME about what result to expect in some specific cases.
The example about the dissipative dynamics what modified a lot. We modified the _cops and the noise spectrum _Jcb in order to be able to compare the Lindblad ME to the FM-ME. The basis change was modified to match the new version of _floquet_markovmesolve which now integrates the master equation in the interaction picture. Notice that the previous version of this example was only working for some specific choice of parameters but there was an error in _floquet_master_equationtensor. Added a 6-th method with the fmmesolve function. The new example computes 3 expectation values.
Added an example for the Floquet matrix elements X and compare them to analytics for a driven-dissipative two level system. Plot the matrix elements as a function of the drive amplitude.