quyenxhuynh / invit.io

S21 CS 4640 Project
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To-Do #16

Open quyenxhuynh opened 3 years ago

quyenxhuynh commented 3 years ago
quyenxhuynh commented 3 years ago
  • [x] Use array(s), may be one-dimensional arrays or multi-dimensional arrays
  • [x] Use expressions
  • [x] Use control structures (selection and loop)
  • [x] Use predefined / standard function(s)
  • [x] (5 points) — Correctly and properly implement and use at least one user-defined function
  • [x] (10 points) — Correctly and properly use the following implicit objects:
    • [x] (5 points) $_GET
    • [x] (5 points) $_POST
  • [x] (16 points) — Appropriate server-side input validation
    • [x] (12 points) Properly validate form data
      • [x] (4 points) Provide user-appropriate error messages
      • If no error message is provided, other reasonable and appropriate handling (such as auto-complete or auto-correction with defaults) and / or some forms of user-appropriate feedback are acceptable.
  • [x] (25 points) — Proper implementation of form submission and handling
  • [x] (25 points) — Correctly implement and properly support multiple users, using the server-side $_SESSION object
  • [x] (15 points) — Correctly implement and properly maintain state of the application using at least one of the following mechanisms
  • [x] $_COOKIE
  • [x] URL rewriting
  • [x] Hidden form field(s)
  • [x] (30 points) — Correctly implement and properly support multiple sessions, using a relational database
  • [x] (10 points) Users must be able to retrieve and view data previously stored in a database and use them in some ways to serve some purposes
  • This must be done through the interface of your system, not direct access to the database.
  • [x] (10 points) Users must be able to add data to the database; i.e., data being stored must reflect the user inputs and / or the application states.
    • This must be done through the interface of your system, not direct access to the database.
  • [x] (10 points) Users must be able to update and / or delete data stored in the database; i.e., data being stored must reflect the user inputs and / or the application states.
  • This must be done through the interface of your system, not direct access to the database.
  • [ ] (5 points) — Adherence to all usability concepts as discussed in class
  • [ ] (5 points) — Use good coding style: readability, style, and maintainability
  • [ ] Make identifier names understandable
  • [ ] Use proper and consistent indentation
  • [ ] Use comments
  • [ ] Use carriage return
  • [ ] (15 points) — User demonstration
  • [ ] (10 points) Program is demonstrated clearly
  • [ ] (5 points) Code segments clearly explained
  • [ ] [10 extra credits] — GCP
  • [ ] (8 points) — Host your app on GCP
  • [ ] (2 points) — Submit a URL to your app hosted on GCP and use it to demo your app