qvest-digital / loginsrv

JWT login microservice with plugable backends such as OAuth2, Google, Github, htpasswd, osiam, ..
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GitHub OAuth2 login deprecation notice: using the `access_token` query parameter is deprecated. #165

Closed jackodsteel closed 4 years ago

jackodsteel commented 4 years ago

GitHub has deprecated the use of access_token as a query parameter for the https://api.github.com/user endpoint.

Instead we should now use the Authorization header as per:


There isn't a timeline when this will actually be disallowed, but they send an email every three days, so it's quite annoying.

Full email recieved from GitHub when logging in with the current build:

Hi @jackodsteel,

On February 4th, 2020 at 01:03 (UTC) your application (REDACTED) used an access token (with the User-Agent Go-http-client/1.1) as part of a query parameter to access an endpoint through the GitHub API:


Please use the Authorization HTTP header instead as using the `access_token` query parameter is deprecated.

Depending on your API usage, we'll be sending you this email reminder once every 3 days for each token and User-Agent used in API calls made on your behalf.
Just one URL that was accessed with a token and User-Agent combination will be listed in the email reminder, not all.

Visit https://developer.github.com/changes/2019-11-05-deprecated-passwords-and-authorizations-api/#authenticating-using-query-parameters for more information.

The GitHub Team