qw123wh / new-clock

The best clock app there is
Apache License 2.0
79 stars 27 forks source link

updated to m3, cleaned up code #21

Closed edodson84 closed 2 years ago

edodson84 commented 2 years ago

hi i updated styling to m3, also cleaned up alot of the code

qw123wh commented 2 years ago

Hi i created a test apk from your fork, i wanted to ask you with this new m3 is there a way to change that hideous purple color? I tried it with color accent, but in some places it remains. I wish the colors were more like google clock, basically blue or light blue accents. i can't figure out how to change the color of "colorControlNormal" it seems to be handled automatically

edodson84 commented 2 years ago

https://m3.material.io/ Im still in process of using full dynamic colors but this should give you an idea of theme attributes that can be overridden also if u have a discord we could collab together on the project

edodson84 commented 2 years ago

You mean like this??


edodson84 commented 2 years ago


edodson84 commented 2 years ago

Light theme


qw123wh commented 2 years ago

ohh, great, much better, the light theme is perfect 🤩🤩

As for the dark theme I would change the “color_background” change the dark blue to black, even in the "settings" section

could you then add an option to change the theme in the settings? Basically setting, theme "light, dark, automatic"

edodson84 commented 2 years ago

sure i can work on that all colors are now controlled in the main style, i removed layout specific items as to allow all attribs to follow theme changes

edodson84 commented 2 years ago


Here is a build without ur suggestions let me know if anything else should be changed

qw123wh commented 2 years ago

I can't install the apk you sent me. I get the following error [INSTALL_FAILED_TEST_ONLY]

On the web I found this possible solution:

Add a line to the project's gradle.properties file.


edodson84 commented 2 years ago

ok sorry will update later after work

edodson84 commented 2 years ago


installable version fixed dark background

qw123wh commented 2 years ago

I tested the app, the colors are now fine in principle, there would be some minor tweaks to do. I noticed two strange things: the keypad of the timer section should be improved in appearance, or it is left as it was before, or you try to make it similar to that of google clock. The second strange thing is that a vibration has been activated when the keys are pressed that previously was not present in almost all sections. It would take an option to enable / disable this vibration

However, in addition to the appearance of the timer keypad, I personally don't like the timer section in aosp / google clocks. The perfect timer section for me is in this app https://github.com/philliphsu/ClockPlus

I would like a timer section similar to this, timers in the list like alarms, ability to save predefined timers, notifications for each timer, basically do it all over again. It's just too hard for me, I need help

edodson84 commented 2 years ago

ok if u want i can base off of clock+ as it looks to be a cleaner source rather than a system app source... add the widgets for clock etc...

qw123wh commented 2 years ago

Clock + take the timer section, and then the stopwatch notifications. As for the "alarm and clock" section, I would remain the current ones.

Anyway thank you for your great help you are giving me to further improve this app, I think that with these timer and stopwatch changes and some other small tweaks in addition to the unique features already present in the app, I really think this can be the best existing clock application for android, superior even to the various and numerous system apps

edodson84 commented 2 years ago

Do u have a direct method of contact? Join my discord server https://discord.gg/uYEExrUuHp

qw123wh commented 2 years ago

I have no discord. I have telegram this is my username @smdmmx

or by email qw123whreuvkjs@gmail.com

contact me in one of the two, as you prefer