qwat / QWAT

TEKSI Water module (project QWAT) - QGIS project
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Network analysis capabilities #126

Closed vpicavet closed 1 year ago

vpicavet commented 8 years ago

It would be interesting to be able to run some analytics on the water network. This would be a set of PostGIS queries computing statistics or specific indicators for the network.

A GUI could be designed on top of these queries allowing the user to set parameters, pick objects and more.

m-kuhn commented 8 years ago

FYI, over at QGEP we have built this with python(networkx library) but a database side is also worth evaluating. We have already built some interactive tools to work with the network analysis tool.

haubourg commented 7 years ago

We also started on SQL views to show differents topological errors on the fly.

bogdanvaduva commented 2 years ago

Here is an example of valve to close (i did not included district_node table which contains source nodes)

-- FUNCTION: qwat_od.fn_valve_to_close(integer)

-- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS qwat_od.fn_valve_to_close(integer);

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION qwat_od.fn_valve_to_close( var_nod integer) RETURNS TABLE(seq integer, valve_id integer, valve_geometry geometry, pipe_id integer, fk_node integer) LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' COST 100 VOLATILE PARALLEL UNSAFE ROWS 1000

AS $BODY$ DECLARE r record; DECLARE var_node integer = 0; DECLARE var_seq integer = 0; BEGIN FOR r IN ( SELECT CASE WHEN v1.id IS NULL THEN v2.id ELSE v1.id END as id, CASE WHEN v1.id IS NULL THEN v2.geometry ELSE v1.geometry END as geometry, tbl.seq,qwat_od.pipe_reference.fk_pipe,tbl.fk_node FROM ( WITH a AS ( select qwat_od.fn_pipe_path(var_nod, dn.fk_node) as path,dn.fk_node from ( select from qwat_od.district_node where fk_district=( select id from qwat_od.district where ST_Within((SELECT geometry FROM qwat_od.node WHERE id=var_nod),geometry)) ) as dn ) SELECT (path::record).,a.fk_node FROM a ORDER BY fk_node,seq) as tbl LEFT JOIN qwat_od.pipe_reference ON qwat_od_pipe_reference.id=tbl.edge LEFT JOIN qwat_od.valve as v1 ON qwat_od_pipe_reference.fk_pipe=v1.fk_pipe LEFT JOIN qwat_od.valve as v2 ON tbl.edge=v2.fk_pipe WHERE CASE WHEN v1.id IS NULL THEN v2.geometry ELSE v1.geometry END IS NOT NULL ) LOOP IF (var_node = 0) THEN var_node = r.fk_node; ELSE IF (var_node != r.fk_node) THEN var_node = 0; var_seq = 0; END IF; END IF; IF (var_seq = 0) THEN IF (var_seq != -1) THEN var_seq = r.seq; END IF; ELSE IF (var_seq != r.seq) THEN var_seq = -1; END IF; END IF; --IF (var_seq > 0) THEN seq := r.seq; valve_id := r.id; valve_geometry := r.geometry; pipe_id := r.fk_pipe; fk_node := r.fk_node; RETURN NEXT; --END IF; END LOOP; END;


CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION qwat_od.fn_pipe_path( var_nod_a integer, var_nod_b integer) RETURNS TABLE(seq integer, path_seq integer, nod bigint, edge bigint, cost double precision, agg_cost double precision, geometry geometry, path text) LANGUAGE 'sql' COST 100 VOLATILE PARALLEL UNSAFE ROWS 1000

AS $BODY$ SELECT path.*,geom.geometry,geom.json FROM pgr_dijkstra(' select id, fk_node_a as source, fk_node_b as target, CASE WHEN qwat_od.fn_element_valve_status(fk_pipe) THEN -1 ELSE COALESCE(st_length(qwat_od_vw_pipe_reference.geometry),1) END as cost, CASE WHEN qwat_od.fn_element_valve_status(fk_pipe) THEN -1 ELSE COALESCE(st_length(qwat_od_vw_pipe_reference.geometry),1) END as reverse_cost from qwat_od.vw_pipe_reference',var_nod_a,var_nod_b) as path LEFT JOIN ( SELECT id,geometry,ST_AsGeoJSON(geometry) as json FROM qwat_od.vw_pipe_reference ) as geom ON geom.id=path.edge $BODY$;

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION qwat_od.fn_element_valve_status( var_pipe_id integer) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE 'sql' COST 100 VOLATILE PARALLEL UNSAFE AS $BODY$ SELECT bool_or(closed) as closed FROM qwat_od.valve WHERE fk_pipe=var_pipe_id GROUP by fk_pipe $BODY$;

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW qwat_od.vw_pipe_reference AS SELECT sp.id, sp.fk_node_a, sp.fk_node_b, sp.geometry, sp.fk_pipe FROM qwat_od.pipe_reference sp UNION SELECT p.id, p.fk_node_a, p.fk_node_b, p.geometry, p.id AS fk_pipe FROM qwat_od.pipe p WHERE NOT (p.id IN ( SELECT pipe_reference.fk_pipe FROM qwat_od.pipe_reference pipe_reference));

bogdanvaduva commented 2 years ago

Regarding Detect which subscribers must be notified

There are some elements that you have to consider like starting node (you have an non oriented graph).You can consider NetworkX for that. I do have a tool that does that but uses JAVA so ... I can only show a working example to who is interested.

ponceta commented 2 years ago
