qwat / qwat-data-model

TEKSI Water module (project QWAT) - PostgreSQL / postgis Datamodel
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views are not exported since v1.3.2 #270

Closed lbartoletti closed 5 years ago

lbartoletti commented 5 years ago

Import qwat_v1.3.2_data_and_structure_sample.sql or qwat_v1.3.2_data_and_structure_sample.backup image

works well with v1.3.1 image

cc @elemoine

ponceta commented 5 years ago

To fix before release 1.3.3 https://github.com/qwat/qwat-data-model/issues/250

elemoine commented 5 years ago

I just created new dumps using .deploy/create_release.py, and I confirm that the views are there after importing the data_and_structure_sample dump. So to me there's no bug in the script that creates the dumps.

When 1.3.2 was released maybe the dumps were manually uploaded. And maybe the uploaded dumps were created from a qwat database that did not have the views (for some reason).

Anyway, I uploaded new data_and_structure_sample dumps on the v1.3.2 release page. They should be ok this fine, but I would be good if someone could verify it.

voanhtam commented 5 years ago

Hi, I'm having trouble restoring the v1.3.2 data and structure sample backup file.

I've got postgis 2.3.3 install with posgresql 9.6

When i'm restoring (with pg_restore) i've got this error : image

After checking the function in postgis 2.3.3 the function is : st_curvetoline(geometry,integer) but the backup file is about an st_curvetoline(geometry, double precision)

ponceta commented 5 years ago

@voanhtam please open a new issue if you encounter such problematics.

Has anyone tested this in 1.3.3 pg 9.6?

lbartoletti commented 5 years ago

It works for me. Tested with postgis24 and postgresql96.

pg_restore -U postgres --dbname qwat -e --no-owner --verbose --jobs=3 --disable-triggers --port 5432 qwat_dump.backup qwat_v1.3.3_data_and_structure_sample.backup (Requires to add users qwat_viewer, qwat_user, qwat_manager) image