qwat / qwat-data-model

TEKSI Water module (project QWAT) - PostgreSQL / postgis Datamodel
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add an attribute type to leak #333

Closed lucienicolier closed 2 years ago

lucienicolier commented 3 years ago

and the value list

lbartoletti commented 3 years ago

Salut Lucie,

Can you add an update file (delta), like this one


sjib commented 3 years ago

I suggest to use the same modelling approach as SIA405 water for this:

`CLASS Lieu_de_fuite EXTENDS SIA405_Base_f.SIA405_BaseClass =
!! Lieu de fuite ATTRIBUTE Numero_protocole: TEXT40; !! par ex. n° du procès-verbal Geometrie: MANDATORY Base_f.CoordNat; !! 2D, coordonnées nationales [m] Genre: (
inconnu, rupture ( cassure, bris ), fissure, trou, defaut, autre ); Cause: (
tassement, corrosion, connexions, influence_externe, defaut_de_construction, gel, defaut_du_materiau, diverse ); Instigateur: SIA405_Base_f.Organisation_Designation; Date_de_saisie: MANDATORY INTERLIS_1_DATE; !! date, format yyyymmdd Date_de_reparation: INTERLIS_1_DATE; !! date, format yyyymmdd Condition: TEXT
40; Remarque: TEXT*80; END Lieu_de_fuite;

ASSOCIATION Lieu_de_fuite_ConduiteAssoc = !! Association ConduiteRef -- {1} Conduite; !! Rolle1 - Klasse1 / Rôle1 - Classe1 Lieu_de_fuite_ConduiteAssocRef -- {0..*} Lieu_de_fuite; !! , Rolle2 - Klasse2 / Rôle2 - Classe2 END Lieu_de_fuite_ConduiteAssoc;`

sjib commented 3 years ago

And here the German version SIA405 Wasser:

`CLASS Schadenstelle EXTENDS SIA405_Base.SIA405_BaseClass =
!! Schadenstelle ATTRIBUTE Name_Nummer: TEXT40; Geometrie: MANDATORY Base.LKoord; !! 2D, Landeskorrdinaten [m] Art: (
unbekannt, Bruch ( Querbruch, Scherbe ), Riss, Loch, Mangel, weitere ); Ursache: (
Setzung, Korrosion, Verbindung, Fremdeinwirkung, bauliche_Maengel, Frost, Materialfehler, Diverse ); Ausloeser: SIA405_Base.OrganisationBezeichnung; Erhebungsdatum: MANDATORY INTERLIS_1_DATE; !! Datumsformat yyyymmdd Behebungsdatum: INTERLIS_1_DATE; !! Datumsformat yyyymmdd Zustand: TEXT
40; Bemerkung: TEXT*80; END Schadenstelle;

ASSOCIATION Schadenstelle_LeitungAssoc = !! Assoziation LeitungRef -- {1} Leitung; !! Rolle1 - Klasse1 / Rôle1 - Classe1 Schadenstelle_LeitungAssocRef -- {0..*} Schadenstelle; !! , Rolle2 - Klasse2 / Rôle2 - Classe2 END Schadenstelle_LeitungAssoc; `

ponceta commented 3 years ago

@lucienicolier could you remove :


(Mention of the type attribute which is probably a usr_attribute, to be run on the custom database only)

ponceta commented 3 years ago

@olivierdalang It's fine for me, just check if the travis fail is an old fail and should be fine with github actions.

It would be practical to have some KEYWORDS to launch github actions if they fail.

ponceta commented 2 years ago

@lucienicolier could you please rename delta_1.3.5_001_create_fk_leak_type.sql to delta_1.4.0_003_create_fk_leak_type.sql so it can be merge in next release?

ponceta commented 2 years ago

@lucienicolier Thank you!