qwc-services / qwc-docker

Docker containers for qwc-services
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Layer(s) not valid #83

Open toltojn opened 1 week ago

toltojn commented 1 week ago

Just setup the qwc-docker. Checked database and volume and everything seems oke, but in the docker compose log I see these errors:

qwc-qgis-server-1 | 10:04:04 WARNING WMS[72]: Download of capabilities failed: qwc-qgis-server-1 | SSL handshake failed qwc-qgis-server-1 | 10:04:04 CRITICAL Server[72]: Error, Layer(s) Blue_Marble_Shaded_Relief__MODIS_20180710132857174 not valid in project /data/qwc_demo.qgs qwc-qgis-server-1 | 10:04:04 WARNING Server[72]: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> qwc-qgis-server-1 | Layer(s) not valid qwc-qgis-server-1 | qwc-ogc-service-1 | [2024-06-19 10:04:04,483] ERROR in ogc_service: Internal Server Error: qwc-ogc-service-1 | qwc-ogc-service-1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> qwc-ogc-service-1 | Layer(s) not valid

when in QWC admin:

Service configurations generated: INFO: Config destination: '/srv/qwc_service/config-out/default' INFO: Searching for projects files in /data/scan INFO: Adding project /data/scan/natural-earth-countries.qgs INFO: Searching for print layouts /layouts INFO: Reading theme /ows/qwc_demo CRITICAL: Could not get WMS GetProjectSettings from http://qwc-qgis-server/ows/qwc_demo: b'\nLayer(s) not valid\n' INFO: Read 'qwc_demo.qgs' INFO: Reading theme /ows/scan/natural-earth-countries INFO: Downloaded WMS GetProjectSettings from http://qwc-qgis-server/ows/scan/natural-earth-countries INFO: Read 'scan/natural-earth-countries.qgs' INFO: Generating 'ogc' service config INFO: Generating 'mapViewer' service config INFO: Using WMS GetMap to generate thumbnail for scan/natural-earth-countries WARNING: Skipping unused background layer mapnik WARNING: Skipping unused background layer bluemarble INFO: Copying 'index.html' to tenant dir INFO: Generating 'featureInfo' service config INFO: Generating 'print' service config INFO: Generating 'search' service config INFO: Generating 'adminGui' service config INFO: Generating 'dbAuth' service config INFO: Generating 'elevation' service config INFO: Generating 'mapinfo' service config INFO: Generating 'permalink' service config INFO: Generating 'data' service config INFO: Generating 'legend' service config CRITICAL: A critical error occurred while processing the configuration. CRITICAL: The configuration files were not updated!

Am I missing something?

tpo commented 1 week ago

You see in the logs you posted above: "SSL handshake failed". Please use a search engine and check why such an error can happen and how to fix it.

One strategy when debugging stuff is "divide et impera": you remove half of the stuff and see if the remaining stuff works. So in this case, if you remove the Blue Marble layer, does your project work then?

toltojn commented 1 week ago

I think the problem is a bit bigger than me not knowing how to use google.

Things i've done so far:

create qwc user and git clone in /home/qwc

changed the docker-compose.yml according the quickstart manual

changed service_uid and service_gid to the user qwc (1004)

docker compose up

no dice, so I changed the docker-compose.yml some more. changed almost every RO in RW. And I had to change the owner of pg_service.conf and pg_service-write.conf to www-data.

Added a test .qgs and ran qwc admin config. I get errors:

CRITICAL: A critical error occurred while processing the configuration. CRITICAL: The configuration files were not updated!

When I manualy change themesconfig.json nothing happens. No themes in the admin gui.

I am almost at the point of giving up.

tpo commented 1 week ago

But as far as I can tell the problem you encountered was "simply" that a secure (SSL) connection to the URL that had to do with Blue_Marble_Shaded_Relief__MODIS_20180710132857174. Do you have a WAF or a firewall or something between you and the internet that is filtering HTTP?