qwikifiers / qwik-ui

Qwik's official Headless and styled component library
MIT License
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first pass #686

Closed b4thestorm closed 1 month ago

b4thestorm commented 1 month ago

What is it?

Why is it needed?

This is a first pass at making the copy button work on Styled doc's pages. Currently, markdown is trying to render code snippets but is not able to pass code to js clipboard function.


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maiieul commented 1 month ago

Thanks for giving this a try. Using CodeSnippet instead of markdown code blocks is a good workaround, although I would prefer this to be fixed for real. The underlying issue either comes from mdx-components or from the website vite-config rehype plugin code.

b4thestorm commented 1 month ago

Thanks for giving this a try. Using CodeSnippet instead of markdown code blocks is a good workaround, although I would prefer this to be fixed for real. The underlying issue either comes from mdx-components or from the website vite-config rehype plugin code.

Thanks @maiieul. I was reading an issue where that was mentioned: https://github.com/qwikifiers/qwik-ui/issues/660

im going to delete my PR and try to debug and see if I can get my head around the mdx component and how it’s read in.