qwikifiers / qwik-ui

Qwik's official Headless and styled component library
MIT License
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class-variance-authority is not installed by the CLI #698

Open Balastrong opened 1 month ago

Balastrong commented 1 month ago

As Is

Not a blocker but maybe it's worth mentioning, on a fresh project after installing qwik-ui and the button component, I noticed class-variance-authority was not installed.

Repro Steps

  1. Create a new qwik project
  2. Install qwik-ui pnpm dlx qwik-ui init
  3. Install the button component pnpm qwik-ui add button

To Be

Since the button component has an import from class-variance-authority I was expecting the cli to automatically add it on package.json, either on the lib install or when adding a component (e.g. button) that uses it.

LazyClicks commented 4 days ago
