qwikifiers / qwik-ui

Qwik's official Headless and styled component library
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qwikui.com and preview over-fetches and over-executes some js bundles #719

Open maiieul opened 3 weeks ago

maiieul commented 3 weeks ago


This is a complex network/bundling issue that looks scary because more kb are being transferred and more resources are being downloaded (as showcased at the bottom of the dev tools), but it seems to be constrained to qwikui.com and isn't a real problem (yet) for the end-user (a.k.a the developer) since it doesn't noticeably slow down page loads.

I suggest not looking into it further as our time is probably best spent elsewhere. We might eventually end up fixing this in future updates or bug fixes.


An image is worth a thousand words:


As you can see, on preview (and this happens in prod too), qwik is downloading and executing (see the ServiceWorkerjs chunks (such as accordion-trigger-2CzFt9Ho.js, accordion-context-id--dprVjBd.js, collapsible-context-id-n_KRb9sO.js, combobox-context-id-sPdc1JgF.js, scroll-area-qwikified-VYs7Nxwj.js, key-code.type-Yo321nVC.js, etc.), that are not even present on the page. The good news is, all of those chunks are served from the service-worker, and they don't seem to end up into terrible waterfalls (it seems to do some kind of "multi-threading", reducing the waterfall to 2 cascades).

I spent about a full week on this issue. It is not easy to understand what's causing it. The farthest I could get with a reproduction is this: https://github.com/QwikDev/qwik/issues/6150 which seems to be a service-worker.js bug. On qwikui.com the bug seems to go even further with chunks being served from the service worker. The difference in my reproduction is that the service-worker only pre-populates the cache and doesn't serve the js chunks, whereas on qwikui.com, it serves the chunks to the main thread. The following image could explain why:


If we look at the actual bundled file being served, we can see for example that entry_make_it_yours-H_X7utmV.js has a few imports that it shouldn't have.

Potential causes (from least likely to most likely)

maiieul commented 3 weeks ago

Either the solution from https://github.com/QwikDev/qwik/issues/5478:

    build: {
      // Disables the preload.
      modulePreload: false,

or the this from the starter code:

      command === 'build' && mode === 'production'
        ? {
            // All dev dependencies should be bundled in the server build
            noExternal: Object.keys(devDependencies),
            // Anything marked as a dependency will not be bundled
            // These should only be production binary deps (including deps of deps), CLI deps, and their module graph
            // If a dep-of-dep needs to be external, add it here
            // For example, if something uses `bcrypt` but you don't have it as a dep, you can write
            // external: [...Object.keys(dependencies), 'bcrypt']
            external: Object.keys(dependencies),
        : undefined,

don't seem to resolve the issue.

So again, it could be a bug caused by nx, shiki 🤷‍♂️, the cloudflare adapter with SSG, or import.meta.glob... Still this seems to be an issue that only happens on qwik-ui so no need to prioritize it since even though it looks scary, it doesn't seem to affect much first-page load speed right now.