qwj / python-proxy

HTTP/HTTP2/HTTP3/Socks4/Socks5/Shadowsocks/ShadowsocksR/SSH/Redirect/Pf TCP/UDP asynchronous tunnel proxy implemented in Python 3 asyncio.
MIT License
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Hello sir I am HESSAM live in *Iran* if you take look in world news nowadays seeing in Iran ban all vpn and instagram and what up cause people against regime according netblocks report ...so glad to sign or show me way how I used this vpn code in all device I am beginner Python programming and little know code must written in text editors I want to know is it include all platform or just desktop? My second question is which file must or main for this vpn for example I see dns or ip is it include all of file or setup file just . #159

Open HESKEY82i opened 1 year ago

HESKEY82i commented 1 year ago

Thank you if show me the ways we need all around developer in sensitive time in our country history my country man can't share their documents to the world and they sound didn't reach anyone they kill and fight in street please help me to help them