Write Selenium and Appium tests in Python using the Page Object pattern. This Pythonic GUI and API test automation framework will help you get started with QA automation quickly. It comes with many useful integrations like - email, BrowserStack, Slack, TestRail, etc. This repository is developed and maintained by Qxf2 Services.
This is pull request for fixing issue_262:
Revert parser.addoption browser from default ['Chrome'] to default[] as this blocking tests for other browsers to run
I have changed the default browser settings default=[] from earlier default=['Chrome'] in the pytest_addoptiona and pytest_generate_tests methods.
can be tested using following now:
1.python -m pytest tests/test_example_form.py --browser firefox
2.python -m pytest -s -v -k mobile_bitcoin_price --mobile_os_version 8.0 --device_name "Samsung Galaxy S9" --app_path "C:\Users\apps" --app_name "Bitcoin Info_com.dudam.rohan.bitcoininfo.apk" --remote_flag Y
This is pull request for fixing issue_262:
Revert parser.addoption browser from default ['Chrome'] to default[] as this blocking tests for other browsers to run
I have changed the default browser settings default=[] from earlier default=['Chrome'] in the pytest_addoptiona and pytest_generate_tests methods.
can be tested using following now: 1.python -m pytest tests/test_example_form.py --browser firefox 2.python -m pytest -s -v -k mobile_bitcoin_price --mobile_os_version 8.0 --device_name "Samsung Galaxy S9" --app_path "C:\Users\apps" --app_name "Bitcoin Info_com.dudam.rohan.bitcoininfo.apk" --remote_flag Y