I want / need to be able to see all resources added by my company and enter the information for new ones
So that I can add new ones, edit or delete them
Acceptance criteria
The resource management page should only be visible for admins
The resource management page should provide a list of all available resources of the admin's company with their respective properties
The resource management page should offer a button for editing and one for deleting a resource as well as an option for adding a new resource
The resource management page should offer a search field to quickly find certain resources
The page should offer options to filter the displayed resources depending on certain properties, such as country, location, room and type and update the displayed list of resources accordingly
After hitting the add resource button a page should be displayed where an admin can enter the necessary information for a new resource; the page should also contain a save/add button to offer access to the add ressource function
After hitting the edit resource button a page should be displayed where an admin can update the information of a resource; this page should also contain a save button to offer access to the edit resource function
User story
Acceptance criteria
Definition of done (DoD)
DoD general criteria