qy21gafy / AMOSSharedDeskFeatureBoard

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Logout function #9

Closed qy21gafy closed 1 year ago

qy21gafy commented 1 year ago

User story

  1. As a user
  2. I want / need to be able to logout from shared desk management
  3. So that outsiders can't access the system, e.g if I logged in on a public computer

Acceptance criteria

Definition of done (DoD)

DoD general criteria

n3rdc4ptn commented 1 year ago

This is already implemented using next-auth in our frontend code. So it will be ready after the Homepage UI task

n3rdc4ptn commented 1 year ago

The frontend part is done. There is no backend part for that, because we simply invalidate the session in the frontend and that causes the user to be signed out. The work for this is done in the Basic Homepage UI task and can also be found in the branch https://github.com/amosproj/amos2022ws05-shared-desk-mgmt/tree/homepage-ui-and-auth