r-a-y / buddypress-followers

Follow users on your BuddyPress site. Similar to Twitter!
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disable or hide Follow site and followed site #105

Closed specialosis closed 5 years ago

specialosis commented 5 years ago


How was your day?

I wanted ask you for an assistance on solutions to an issue I realized while using the buddy-press follow plugin with the use of a multiblog-multisite-buddypress install.

As i noticed that having the option to follow or be followed.

This also adds a function;

follow site and followed site.

Which I see on my sites and activity option.


Please I wanted to ask if there was a way, I could remove this follow site and followed site display and either removing or hiding it also from the activity option.



Thank you

r-a-y commented 5 years ago

Add the following snippet to your theme's functions.php or wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php:

add_filter( 'bp_follow_enable_blogs', '__return_false' );