r-a-y / buddypress-followers

Follow users on your BuddyPress site. Similar to Twitter!
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Report number of FOLLOWERS of a SITE, list FOLLOWERS by SITE #121

Open blogagain opened 2 years ago

blogagain commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your hard work on this plug-in, which is awesome.

Of course, the plugin allows following of SITES or MEMBERS. For members, it is easy to know the sites they followed as members, because a list of their followed sites appears in their profile. However, SITE OWNERS do not have a similar way to find a list of all the MEMBERS who are FOLLOWERS of their SITES.

So if I am the creator of SITE A on the network, and USERS A, B, C, and D all decide to FOLLOW my site (using your awesome plugin):

-currently, my site will appear under each of A, B, C, & D's profiles under their "followed sites";

-How would I as the OWNER of SITE A get a report of all the USERS who followed my site? That report (a directory list?) would tell me hat 4 users have followed my SITE, named A, B, C, and D.

There is no field in the sites list showing the number of followers of a site, nor the ability to see a list of the followers. At least the admin or owner of the site should be able to know who is following his site, if for no other reason than to communicate with them. Since I am using SITES instead of GROUPS, there is no automatic field reporting these numbers. If I was using groups, BP would already report the users of a group and how many there are. But with followed sites under this plugin, there is no similar functionality as to SITES. (Groups does not work for my use case, because the users are creating sites on an MU install, not creating groups in BP).

If anyone can provide me with at least a code snippet or suggestion to simply report back the following from the database, for addition on the BP "SITES" directory in WP:

1) How many followers does this sites have? 2) Click a link to find out: Who are they? (sites and users are already associated, as each user's profile lists his followed sites, so we just need to rearrange it so that the SITE directory entries lists the number of users following the SITE and who they are or a link to who they are.

Thank you very much.