r-a-y / buddypress-followers

Follow users on your BuddyPress site. Similar to Twitter!
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How can an user turn off Following for an individual user #61

Open dranii opened 9 years ago

dranii commented 9 years ago

Social nets by default lets you turn ON the Follow feature. This is because you may not like that other are following you - it is a privacy issue.

r-a-y commented 9 years ago

You cannot turn off following individually at the moment.

I'm waiting for BuddyPress core to have better privacy features before I tackle this in BP Follow.

dranii commented 9 years ago

I was wondering if it can be profile field (if there is any absolute link for follow) - which can then be made hidden if an user wants to. Roundabout way but may work ?

r-a-y commented 9 years ago

If you're going to be using profile fields this way with your own code, the function you will be interested in is bp_follow_add_follow_button(): https://github.com/r-a-y/buddypress-followers/blob/1.2.x/_inc/bp-follow-templatetags.php#L84

This function generates the "Follow" button. Specifically, you'll be interested in the 'bp_follow_get_add_follow_button' filter: https://github.com/r-a-y/buddypress-followers/blob/1.2.x/_inc/bp-follow-templatetags.php#L217

You could do checks against the leader ID and the follower ID there and if following is disabled, you can make sure the button isn't rendered.

Keep in mind that I will not be supporting this approach.

rhisss commented 9 years ago

+1 for turning on or off the "Follow" feature by the member of the site. Usually, if this is turned on, "Friends" automatically become followers. In addition, non-friends can be followers also.

r-a-y commented 9 years ago

Like I mentioned previously, you'll have to wait until BP has better privacy features until this is implemented in BP Follow Core.

There is nothing stopping a dev from creating such a plugin.

nmediaie commented 2 years ago

Like I mentioned previously, you'll have to wait until BP has better privacy features until this is implemented in BP Follow Core.

There is nothing stopping a dev from creating such a plugin.

Hi guys,

Any update on this feature??