r-c-f / waynergy

A synergy client for Wayland compositors
MIT License
394 stars 17 forks source link

Can we collect a list of working client / server versions? #96

Open simonm opened 7 months ago

simonm commented 7 months ago

Hello All,

To summarise: Waynergy is really great but I'm not really able to use it without frustration due to problems on the server side. Are there known-good configurations that "just work"?

I am having a problem with the server side, running on macOS. I get constant restarts - so frequently that I now run my server side app in a while true loop, so it restarts instantly.

The changes and evolution of the different software packages - synergy, barrier and now input leap - make troubleshooting good working configurations difficult across the multiple platforms.

It would be useful to include a Wiki page on "known good" configurations. Is this something that would be of interest?

For example:

I am using:


> pacman -Q | grep -Ee '(wlroots|\bsway\b|waynergy)'
sway-git r7196.020a572e-1
waynergy-git r322.9b62bf0-1
wlroots-git 0.17.0.r6660.9e5d0f95-1
wlroots-git-debug 0.17.0.r6660.9e5d0f95-1

server: macOS Sonoma 14.0

I get server restarts from every few seconds to every 20mins.

Same client but with server synergys v 1.14.6-stable.b18-455c59b4 I also get restarts at as similar frequency (without using TLS).


Thanks in advance.