r-causal / causal-inference-in-R

Causal Inference in R: A book!
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01.02: Causal assumptions #58

Open malcolmbarrett opened 2 years ago

malcolmbarrett commented 2 years ago
malcolmbarrett commented 1 year ago

An example of interference: bed net uses improves outcomes in the surrounding community. If, for instance, clustered communities were to close together, the treatment in a treated community could impact the outcome in a control community

malcolmbarrett commented 1 year ago

Could time to million dollars dataset be a good example for cases where some assumptions not met (consistent treatment by region of release/number of theatres, interference by other movies e.g. at time of release)

malcolmbarrett commented 1 year ago

Bumping into stuff on positivity violations this week!

https://twitter.com/LucyStats/status/1591619846139252736 https://academic.oup.com/aje/article-abstract/191/11/1962/6650853?redirectedFrom=fulltext https://journals.lww.com/epidem/FullText/2012/01000/Inverse_Probability_Weighting_With_Time_varying.31.aspx