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How do I transition from IT to CyberSecurity? #16

Open Oscar-Geare opened 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

I can take this one too unless it is already spoken for.

ghost commented 2 years ago

How do I transition from IT to CyberSecurity?

This one is an easy one. A big part of CyberSecurity is protecting the IT infrastructure and the data that resides on it. So if you have a good IT background, it will help you understand many of the concepts of CyberSecurity.

Do you understand Active Directory, Domains, Networking, etc.? These are all things that you apply Security to. Understanding them makes security easier.

Someone with 10 years of IT experience will pick up the concepts of CyberSecurity faster than someone that never worked in technology before, but took some boot camps to get certified in CyberSecurity.