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How to transition from Physical security to CyberSecurity? #20

Open Oscar-Geare opened 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

How to transition from Physical security to CyberSecurity?

The good news is that Physical Security and CyberSecurity are not that much different. In both cases, you have something to protect. You do this by doing a risk assessment to determine what risks to your facility/data you have.

Once you have done this, you can determine what controls you want to implement that reduce the risk to an acceptable level. For example:

Install fences (or firewalls) Have employees wear badges (login credentials) Install cameras (Security log monitoring) Test fire alarms and evacuation procedures (run table top incident drills)

You can take the same mindset that you had in physical security and apply it quickly to Cybersecurity. There may be more technical things you need to learn, but there are a lot of options out there for you (training courses, boot camps, YouTube videos, etc.)