r-darwish / topgrade

Upgrade everything
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.35k stars 160 forks source link

suspended (tty output) #475

Closed mordax7 closed 3 years ago

mordax7 commented 4 years ago

What did you expect to happen? That it upgrades all my packages, including the Flatpacks(with which I have only installed Steam).

What actually happened? Topgrade exits with TTOU when upgrading the Flatpack packages.

Additional details:

 ~  topgrade -v                                                                                                                                                                        ✔  ≡ 
 2020-07-15T07:39:04.441Z DEBUG topgrade::config > Configuration at /home/aljaz/.config/topgrade.toml
 2020-07-15T07:39:04.441Z DEBUG topgrade::config > Path ~/.tgenv expanded to /home/aljaz/.tgenv
 2020-07-15T07:39:04.441Z DEBUG topgrade::config > Loaded configuration: ConfigFile { pre_commands: None, commands: Some({"Python Environment": "/usr/bin/pip3 install -i https://pypi.python.org/simple -U --upgrade-strategy eager solo-python", "Pythonnt": "/usr/bin/pip3 install --upgrade pip", "Summon": "sudo sh -c \'curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cyberark/summon/master/install.sh | bash\'"}), git_repos: None, predefined_git_repos: None, disable: None, ignore_failures: None, remote_topgrades: None, ssh_arguments: None, git_arguments: None, tmux_arguments: None, set_title: None, assume_yes: None, yay_arguments: None, no_retry: None, run_in_tmux: None, cleanup: None, notify_each_step: None, accept_all_windows_updates: None, only: None, composer: None, brew: None, linux: None, git: Some(Git { max_concurrency: None, arguments: None, repos: Some(["/home/aljaz/.tgenv"]), pull_predefined: None }), windows: None, vagrant: None }
 2020-07-15T07:39:04.441Z DEBUG topgrade::utils  > Detected "/usr/bin/notify-send" as "notify-send"
 2020-07-15T07:39:04.441Z DEBUG topgrade         > Version: 5.1.0
 2020-07-15T07:39:04.441Z DEBUG topgrade         > OS: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
 2020-07-15T07:39:04.441Z DEBUG topgrade         > Args { inner: ["topgrade", "-v"] }
 2020-07-15T07:39:04.442Z DEBUG topgrade         > Binary path: Ok("/usr/bin/topgrade")
 2020-07-15T07:39:04.442Z DEBUG topgrade         > Self Update: false
 2020-07-15T07:39:04.442Z DEBUG topgrade::utils  > Detected "/usr/bin/git" as "git"
 2020-07-15T07:39:04.442Z DEBUG topgrade::utils  > Detected "/usr/bin/sudo" as "sudo"
 2020-07-15T07:39:04.442Z DEBUG topgrade::utils  > Cannot find "pwsh"
 2020-07-15T07:39:04.442Z DEBUG topgrade::utils  > Cannot find "powershell"
 2020-07-15T07:39:04.442Z DEBUG topgrade::runner > Step "System update"

―― 09:39:04 - System update ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
 2020-07-15T07:39:04.442Z DEBUG topgrade::utils  > Cannot find "powerpill"
 2020-07-15T07:39:04.442Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::os::linux > Running Arch update with path: "/usr/bin:/usr/share/zsh/scripts/zplug/bin:/home/aljaz/.tgenv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl:/home/aljaz/.local/bin"
 2020-07-15T07:39:04.442Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/yay" as "yay"
 2020-07-15T07:39:04.442Z DEBUG topgrade::executor         > Running "/usr/bin/yay" "-Pw"
 2020-07-15T07:39:04.956Z DEBUG topgrade::executor         > Running "/usr/bin/yay" "--pacman" "/usr/bin/pacman" "-Syu" "--devel"
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 there is nothing to do
:: Searching databases for updates...
:: Searching AUR for updates...
:: Checking development packages...
 -> Orphaned AUR Packages:  libzrtpcpp
 -> Flagged Out Of Date AUR Packages:  spotify
 there is nothing to do
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.089Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "etc-update"
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.089Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "etc-update"
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.089Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "Brew"
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.089Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "brew"
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.089Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "Brew Cask"
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.089Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "brew"
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.089Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "nix"
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.089Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "nix"
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.089Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "home-manager"
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.089Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "home-manager"
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.089Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "asdf"
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.089Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "asdf"
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.089Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > /home/aljaz/.doom.d does not exists
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.089Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > /home/aljaz/.vim does not exists
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.089Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > Checking if /home/aljaz/.config/nvim is a git repository
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.091Z TRACE topgrade::executor         > Output of "/usr/bin/git" "rev-parse" "--show-toplevel": Output { status: ExitStatus(ExitStatus(32768)), stdout: "", stderr: "fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git\n" }
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.091Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > /home/aljaz/.zshrc is a file. Checking /home/aljaz
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.091Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > Checking if /home/aljaz is a git repository
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.092Z TRACE topgrade::executor         > Output of "/usr/bin/git" "rev-parse" "--show-toplevel": Output { status: ExitStatus(ExitStatus(32768)), stdout: "", stderr: "fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git\n" }
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.092Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > /home/aljaz/.tmux does not exists
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.092Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > /home/aljaz/.config/fish does not exists
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.092Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > /home/aljaz/.config/openbox does not exists
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.092Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > /home/aljaz/.config/bspwm does not exists
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.092Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > /home/aljaz/.config/i3 does not exists
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.092Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > /home/aljaz/.config/sway does not exists
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.092Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > Checking if /home/aljaz/.tgenv is a git repository
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.094Z TRACE topgrade::executor         > Output of "/usr/bin/git" "rev-parse" "--show-toplevel": Output { status: ExitStatus(ExitStatus(0)), stdout: "/home/aljaz/.tgenv\n", stderr: "" }
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.094Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "Git repositories"

―― 09:39:07 - Git repositories ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.095Z TRACE topgrade::executor         > Output of "/usr/bin/git" "remote" "show": Output { status: ExitStatus(ExitStatus(0)), stdout: "origin\n", stderr: "" }
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.097Z TRACE topgrade::executor         > Output of "/usr/bin/git" "rev-parse" "HEAD": Output { status: ExitStatus(ExitStatus(0)), stdout: "dd720f62051bb748f75eee2d83d6768171d45830\n", stderr: "" }
Pulling /home/aljaz/.tgenv
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.863Z TRACE topgrade::executor         > Output of "/usr/bin/git" "rev-parse" "HEAD": Output { status: ExitStatus(ExitStatus(0)), stdout: "dd720f62051bb748f75eee2d83d6768171d45830\n", stderr: "" }
Up-to-date /home/aljaz/.tgenv
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.863Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "zr"
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.863Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/zsh" as "zsh"
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.863Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/aljaz/.zr" doesn't exist
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.864Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "antibody"
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.864Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/zsh" as "zsh"
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.864Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "antibody"
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.864Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "antigen"
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.864Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/zsh" as "zsh"
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.864Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/aljaz/.zshrc" exists
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.864Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/aljaz/antigen.zsh" doesn't exist
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.864Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "zplug"
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.864Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/zsh" as "zsh"
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.864Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/aljaz/.zshrc" exists
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.864Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/aljaz/.zplug" exists

―― 09:39:07 - zplug ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
 2020-07-15T07:39:07.865Z DEBUG topgrade::executor         > Running "/usr/bin/zsh" "-i" "-c" "zplug update"
[zplug] Start to update 9 plugins in parallel

 ✔  Up-to-date            plugins/fzf
 ✔  Up-to-date            lib/clipboard
 ✔  Up-to-date            zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
 ✔  Up-to-date            zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
 ✔  Up-to-date            zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search
 ✔  Up-to-date            plugins/poetry
 ✔  Up-to-date            romkatv/powerlevel10k
 ✔  Up-to-date            plugins/git
 ✔  Up-to-date            modules/completion

[zplug] Elapsed time: 6.7250 sec.
 ==> Updating finished successfully!
 2020-07-15T07:39:14.885Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "zinit"
 2020-07-15T07:39:14.885Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/zsh" as "zsh"
 2020-07-15T07:39:14.885Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/aljaz/.zshrc" exists
 2020-07-15T07:39:14.885Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/aljaz/.zinit" doesn't exist
 2020-07-15T07:39:14.885Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "oh-my-zsh"
 2020-07-15T07:39:14.885Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/zsh" as "zsh"
 2020-07-15T07:39:14.885Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/aljaz/.oh-my-zsh" doesn't exist
 2020-07-15T07:39:14.885Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "fisher"
 2020-07-15T07:39:14.885Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "fish"
 2020-07-15T07:39:14.885Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "tmux"
 2020-07-15T07:39:14.885Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/aljaz/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/update_plugins" doesn't exist
 2020-07-15T07:39:14.885Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "TLDR"
 2020-07-15T07:39:14.885Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/tldr" as "tldr"

―― 09:39:14 - TLDR ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
 2020-07-15T07:39:14.885Z DEBUG topgrade::executor         > Running "/usr/bin/tldr" "--update"
Updated cache for 1802 entries
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.118Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "pearl"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.118Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "pearl"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.118Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "SDKMAN!"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.118Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/bash" as "bash"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.118Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/aljaz/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh" doesn't exist
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.118Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "apm"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.118Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "apm"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.118Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "rustup"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.118Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "rustup"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.118Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "cargo"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.118Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "cargo-install-update"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.118Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "Flutter"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.118Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "flutter"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.118Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "Go"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.118Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/go" as "go"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.118Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/aljaz/go" exists

―― 09:39:16 - Go ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.118Z DEBUG topgrade::executor         > Running "/usr/bin/go" "get" "-u" "all"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "Emacs"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "emacs"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "opam"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "opam"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "vcpkg"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "vcpkg"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "pipx"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "pipx"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "stack"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "stack"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "tlmgr"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "myrepos"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "mr"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "jetpak"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "jetpack"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "vim"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "vim"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "Neovim"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/nvim" as "nvim"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "voom"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "voom"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "npm"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.640Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/npm" as "npm"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.789Z TRACE topgrade::executor         > Output of "/usr/bin/npm" "root" "-g": Output { status: ExitStatus(ExitStatus(0)), stdout: "/usr/lib/node_modules\n", stderr: "" }
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.789Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "yarn"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.789Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "yarn"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.789Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "composer"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.789Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "composer"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.789Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "krew"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.789Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "kubectl-krew"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.789Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "gem"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.789Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "gem"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.789Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "Flatpak"
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.789Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/flatpak" as "flatpak"

―― 09:39:16 - Flatpak User Packages ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.789Z DEBUG topgrade::executor         > Running "/usr/bin/flatpak" "update" "--user" "-y"
Looking for updates…
Nothing to do.
 2020-07-15T07:39:16.811Z DEBUG topgrade::executor         > Running "/usr/bin/flatpak" "update" "--system" "-y"
Looking for updates…
zsh: suspended (tty output)  topgrade -v
al2me6 commented 4 years ago
╭─ ~ ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── TTOU took 15s ≡
╰─❯ topgrade -v
 2020-07-26T02:34:16.637Z DEBUG topgrade::config > Configuration at /home/alvin/.config/topgrade.toml
 2020-07-26T02:34:16.637Z DEBUG topgrade::config > Loaded configuration: ConfigFile { pre_commands: None, commands: None, git_repos: None, predefined_git_repos: None, disable: None, ignore_failures: None, remote_topgrades: None, remote_topgrade_path: None, ssh_arguments: None, git_arguments: None, tmux_arguments: None, set_title: None, assume_yes: None, yay_arguments: None, no_retry: None, run_in_tmux: None, cleanup: None, notify_each_step: None, accept_all_windows_updates: None, only: None, composer: None, brew: None, linux: None, git: None, windows: None, vagrant: None }
 2020-07-26T02:34:16.637Z DEBUG topgrade::utils  > Detected "/usr/bin/notify-send" as "notify-send"
 2020-07-26T02:34:16.637Z DEBUG topgrade         > Version: 5.3.0
 2020-07-26T02:34:16.637Z DEBUG topgrade         > OS: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
 2020-07-26T02:34:16.637Z DEBUG topgrade         > Args { inner: ["topgrade", "-v"] }
 2020-07-26T02:34:16.637Z DEBUG topgrade         > Binary path: Ok("/usr/bin/topgrade")
 2020-07-26T02:34:16.637Z DEBUG topgrade         > Self Update: false
 2020-07-26T02:34:16.637Z DEBUG topgrade::utils  > Detected "/usr/bin/git" as "git"
 2020-07-26T02:34:16.637Z DEBUG topgrade::utils  > Detected "/usr/bin/sudo" as "sudo"
 2020-07-26T02:34:16.637Z DEBUG topgrade::utils  > Cannot find "pwsh"
 2020-07-26T02:34:16.637Z DEBUG topgrade::utils  > Cannot find "powershell"
 2020-07-26T02:34:16.637Z DEBUG topgrade::runner > Step "System update"

―― 22:34:16 - System update ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
 2020-07-26T02:34:16.637Z DEBUG topgrade::utils  > Cannot find "powerpill"
 2020-07-26T02:34:16.637Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::os::linux > Running Arch update with path: "/usr/bin:/home/alvin/.npm_packages/bin:/home/alvin/.zplug/repos/zplug/zplug/bin:/home/alvin/.zplug/bin:/home/alvin/.npm_packages/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl:/home/alvin/bin:/home/alvin/.cargo/bin:/home/alvin/.platformio/penv/bin"
 2020-07-26T02:34:16.637Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/yay" as "yay"
 2020-07-26T02:34:16.637Z DEBUG topgrade::executor         > Running "/usr/bin/yay" "-Pw"
 2020-07-26T02:34:18.441Z DEBUG topgrade::executor         > Running "/usr/bin/yay" "--pacman" "/usr/bin/pacman" "-Syu" "--devel"
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
 multilib is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 there is nothing to do
:: Searching databases for updates...
:: Searching AUR for updates...
:: Checking development packages...
 -> Orphaned AUR Packages:  bonsai.sh-git
 -> Flagged Out Of Date AUR Packages:  drawio-desktop-bin  mathematica
 there is nothing to do
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.437Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "etc-update"
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.437Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "etc-update"
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.437Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "Brew"
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.437Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "brew"
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.437Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "yadm"
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.437Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "yadm"
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.437Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "nix"
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.437Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "nix"
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.437Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "home-manager"
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.437Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "home-manager"
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.437Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "asdf"
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.437Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "asdf"
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.437Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/alvin/.config/emacs" doesn't exist
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.437Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/alvin/.emacs.d" doesn't exist
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.437Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > /home/alvin/.doom.d does not exists
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.437Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > /home/alvin/.vim does not exists
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.437Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > /home/alvin/.config/nvim does not exists
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.437Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > /home/alvin/.zshrc is a file. Checking /home/alvin
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.437Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > Checking if /home/alvin is a git repository
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.438Z TRACE topgrade::executor         > Output of "/usr/bin/git" "rev-parse" "--show-toplevel": Output { status: ExitStatus(ExitStatus(32768)), stdout: "", stderr: "fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /)\nStopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).\n" }
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.438Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > /home/alvin/.tmux does not exists
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.438Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > /home/alvin/.config/fish does not exists
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.438Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > /home/alvin/.config/openbox does not exists
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.438Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > /home/alvin/.config/bspwm does not exists
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.438Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > Checking if /home/alvin/.config/i3 is a git repository
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.439Z TRACE topgrade::executor         > Output of "/usr/bin/git" "rev-parse" "--show-toplevel": Output { status: ExitStatus(ExitStatus(32768)), stdout: "", stderr: "fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /)\nStopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).\n" }
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.439Z DEBUG topgrade::steps::git       > /home/alvin/.config/sway does not exists
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.439Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "Git repositories"
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.439Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "zr"
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.439Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/zsh" as "zsh"
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.439Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/alvin/.zr" doesn't exist
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.439Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "antibody"
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.439Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/zsh" as "zsh"
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.439Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "antibody"
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.439Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "antigen"
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.439Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/zsh" as "zsh"
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.440Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/alvin/.zshrc" exists
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.440Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/alvin/antigen.zsh" doesn't exist
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.440Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "zplug"
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.440Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/zsh" as "zsh"
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.440Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/alvin/.zshrc" exists
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.440Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/alvin/.zplug" exists

―― 22:34:21 - zplug ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
 2020-07-26T02:34:21.440Z DEBUG topgrade::executor         > Running "/usr/bin/zsh" "-i" "-c" "zplug update"
[zplug] Start to update 11 plugins in parallel

 ✔  Up-to-date            zsh-users/zsh-completions
 ✔  Up-to-date            lib/termsupport
 ✔  Up-to-date            zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
 ✔  Up-to-date            zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
 ✔  Up-to-date            lib/completion
 ✔  Up-to-date            lib/key-bindings
 ✔  Up-to-date            lib/history
 ✔  Up-to-date            zplug/zplug
 ✔  Up-to-date            plugins/thefuck
 ✔  Up-to-date            romkatv/powerlevel10k
 ✔  Up-to-date            plugins/git

[zplug] Elapsed time: 2.6828 sec.
 ==> Updating finished successfully!
 2020-07-26T02:34:24.541Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "zinit"
 2020-07-26T02:34:24.541Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/zsh" as "zsh"
 2020-07-26T02:34:24.541Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/alvin/.zshrc" exists
 2020-07-26T02:34:24.541Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/alvin/.zinit" doesn't exist
 2020-07-26T02:34:24.541Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "oh-my-zsh"
 2020-07-26T02:34:24.541Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/zsh" as "zsh"
 2020-07-26T02:34:24.541Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/alvin/.oh-my-zsh" doesn't exist
 2020-07-26T02:34:24.541Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "fisher"
 2020-07-26T02:34:24.541Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "fish"
 2020-07-26T02:34:24.541Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "tmux"
 2020-07-26T02:34:24.541Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/alvin/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/update_plugins" doesn't exist
 2020-07-26T02:34:24.541Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "TLDR"
 2020-07-26T02:34:24.541Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/tldr" as "tldr"

―― 22:34:24 - TLDR ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
 2020-07-26T02:34:24.542Z DEBUG topgrade::executor         > Running "/usr/bin/tldr" "--update"
Successfully updated cache.
 2020-07-26T02:34:25.669Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "pearl"
 2020-07-26T02:34:25.669Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "pearl"
 2020-07-26T02:34:25.669Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "SDKMAN!"
 2020-07-26T02:34:25.669Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/bash" as "bash"
 2020-07-26T02:34:25.669Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/alvin/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh" doesn't exist
 2020-07-26T02:34:25.669Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "apm"
 2020-07-26T02:34:25.669Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "apm"
 2020-07-26T02:34:25.669Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "rustup"
 2020-07-26T02:34:25.669Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/rustup" as "rustup"

―― 22:34:25 - rustup ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
 2020-07-26T02:34:25.670Z DEBUG topgrade::executor         > Running "/usr/bin/rustup" "update"
info: syncing channel updates for 'stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu'

  stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu unchanged - rustc 1.45.0 (5c1f21c3b 2020-07-13)

info: cleaning up downloads & tmp directories
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "cargo"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "cargo-install-update"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "Flutter"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "flutter"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "Go"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/go" as "go"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/alvin/go" doesn't exist
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "Emacs"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "emacs"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "opam"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "opam"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "vcpkg"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "vcpkg"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "pipx"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "pipx"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "stack"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "stack"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "tlmgr"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "myrepos"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "mr"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "jetpak"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "jetpack"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "vim"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "vim"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "Neovim"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "nvim"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "voom"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "voom"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "npm"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.004Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/npm" as "npm"
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.153Z TRACE topgrade::executor         > Output of "/usr/bin/npm" "root" "-g": Output { status: ExitStatus(ExitStatus(0)), stdout: "/home/alvin/.npm_packages/lib/node_modules\n", stderr: "" }

―― 22:34:26 - Node Package Manager ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
 2020-07-26T02:34:26.153Z DEBUG topgrade::executor         > Running "/usr/bin/npm" "update" "-g"
 2020-07-26T02:34:27.961Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "yarn"
 2020-07-26T02:34:27.961Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "yarn"
 2020-07-26T02:34:27.961Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "composer"
 2020-07-26T02:34:27.961Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "composer"
 2020-07-26T02:34:27.961Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "krew"
 2020-07-26T02:34:27.961Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "kubectl-krew"
 2020-07-26T02:34:27.961Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "gem"
 2020-07-26T02:34:27.961Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/gem" as "gem"
 2020-07-26T02:34:27.961Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Path "/home/alvin/.gem" doesn't exist
 2020-07-26T02:34:27.961Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "Flatpak"
 2020-07-26T02:34:27.961Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "flatpak"
 2020-07-26T02:34:27.961Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "snap"
 2020-07-26T02:34:27.962Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "snap"
 2020-07-26T02:34:27.962Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "pihole"
 2020-07-26T02:34:27.962Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "pihole"
 2020-07-26T02:34:27.962Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "Firmware upgrades"
 2020-07-26T02:34:27.962Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Cannot find "fwupdmgr"
 2020-07-26T02:34:27.962Z DEBUG topgrade::runner           > Step "Restarts"
 2020-07-26T02:34:27.962Z DEBUG topgrade::utils            > Detected "/usr/bin/needrestart" as "needrestart"

―― 22:34:27 - Check for needed restarts ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
 2020-07-26T02:34:27.962Z DEBUG topgrade::executor         > Running "/usr/bin/sudo" "/usr/bin/needrestart"
Scanning processes...
Scanning candidates...
Scanning processor microcode...
Scanning linux images...

Running kernel seems to be up-to-date.

The processor microcode seems to be up-to-date.

Restarting services...
Services to be restarted:
Restart «sddm.service»? [yNas?] zsh: suspended (tty input)  topgrade -v
╭─ ~ ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── TTIN took 12s ≡
FallenWarrior2k commented 4 years ago

For me, this also happened with snap when it asked for the sudo password, and once when one of my NPM packages had an interactive prompt in its postinstall script. You can resume by just typing fg, but it's still odd.

mordax7 commented 4 years ago

Can confirm, Flatpack resumes when using fg. Does Flatpack send a stop to the process?

r-darwish commented 4 years ago

Which shell are you using? If it isn't bash, does this issue still happen when you switch your default shell to bash?

FallenWarrior2k commented 4 years ago

I use ZSH 5.8 personally. If I can reliably repro the issue in my existing environment, I'd definitely be open to investigating the potential impact of changing said environment.

-------- Original Message -------- On 18 Aug 2020, 06:07, Roey Darwish Dror wrote:

Which shell are you using? If it isn't bash, does this issue still happen when you switch your default shell to bash?

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mordax7 commented 4 years ago

Which shell are you using? If it isn't bash, does this issue still happen when you switch your default shell to bash?

Got ZSH, same issue with BASH.

mordax7 commented 4 years ago

Quick update: I moved from ZSH to Fish and the problem does not persist there.

r-darwish commented 4 years ago

So we know this is definitely caused by ZSH. Now the question is why.

pszynk commented 4 years ago

same issue, using ZSH with zplug, actually it can be related to the closed #298

sthysel commented 3 years ago

https://www.zsh.org/mla/users/2020/msg00121.html triggered by something like:

pacman` -Qtdq | sudo pacman -Rns -

'fixed' by something like

pacman -Qtdq | cat - | sudo pacman -Rns -

r-darwish commented 3 years ago

Thanks @sthysel. Closing as this is a zsh bug.