r-darwish / topgrade

Upgrade everything
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.37k stars 162 forks source link

Adding "upgrade = false" in the "firmware" section of the config makes no difference #959

Closed MonstrousOgre closed 2 years ago

MonstrousOgre commented 2 years ago

Here's a snippet from my config file

# Offer to update firmware; if false just check for and display available updates
#upgrade = true
upgrade = false

What did you expect to happen?

It wouldn't upgrade the firmware.

What actually happened?

It continues to upgrade the firmware every time. This also changes my mouse acceleration for some reason, so I have to reapply those settings.

Additional details

―― 17:50:28 - System update ――
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core downloading...
 extra downloading...
 community downloading...
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 there is nothing to do
:: Looking for AUR upgrades
:: Looking for devel upgrades
 there is nothing to do
―― 17:50:30 - rustup ――
  rustup unchanged - 1.24.3

  stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu unchanged - rustc 1.61.0 (fe5b13d68 2022-05-18)

―― 17:50:30 - Cargo ――
    Updating registry 'https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index'

Package       Installed  Latest                           Needs update
bat           v0.21.0    v0.21.0                          No
bottom        v0.6.8     v0.6.8                           No
cargo-update  v8.1.4     v8.1.4                           No
lsd           v0.22.0    v0.22.0                          No
starship      v1.8.0     v1.8.0                           No
stylua        v0.13.1    v0.13.1                          No
topgrade      v9.0.1     v9.0.1                           No
ttyper        v0.4.3     v0.4.3 (v1.0.0-pre.1 available)  No

No packages need updating.
Package  Installed  Latest  Needs update

No git packages need updating.
Overall updated 0 packages.
―― 17:50:31 - pip3 ――
Requirement already satisfied: pip in ./.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (22.1.2)
―― 17:50:32 - Neovim ――
Plugins upgraded
―― 17:50:32 - Node Package Manager ――

changed 66 packages, and audited 254 packages in 1s

15 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities
―― 17:50:33 - Spicetify ――
Fetch latest release info:
info Current version: 2.10.1
info Latest release: 2.10.1
success Already up-to-date.
―― 17:50:34 - pip packages ――
Everything up-to-date
―― 17:50:42 - Firmware upgrades ――
―― 17:50:42 - Summary ――
System update: OK
config-update: OK
Brew: SKIPPED: Cannot find "brew" in PATH
yadm: SKIPPED: Cannot find "yadm" in PATH
nix: SKIPPED: Cannot find "nix" in PATH
home-manager: SKIPPED: Cannot find "home-manager" in PATH
asdf: SKIPPED: Cannot find "asdf" in PATH
pkgin: SKIPPED: Cannot find "pkgin" in PATH
Git repositories: SKIPPED: No repositories to pull
zr: SKIPPED: Cannot find "zr" in PATH
antibody: SKIPPED: Cannot find "antibody" in PATH
antigen: SKIPPED: Path "/home/ogre/antigen.zsh" doesn't exist
zgenom: SKIPPED: Path "/home/ogre/.zgenom" doesn't exist
zplug: SKIPPED: Path "/home/ogre/.zplug" doesn't exist
zinit: SKIPPED: Path "/home/ogre/.zinit" doesn't exist
zi: SKIPPED: Path "/home/ogre/.zi" doesn't exist
zim: SKIPPED: Path "/home/ogre/.zim" doesn't exist
oh-my-zsh: SKIPPED: Path "/home/ogre/.oh-my-zsh" doesn't exist
fisher: SKIPPED: Cannot find "fish" in PATH
bash-it: SKIPPED: Path "/home/ogre/.bash_it" doesn't exist
oh-my-fish: SKIPPED: Cannot find "fish" in PATH
fish-plug: SKIPPED: Cannot find "fish" in PATH
tmux: SKIPPED: Path "/home/ogre/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/update_plugins" doesn't exist
TLDR: SKIPPED: Cannot find "tldr" in PATH
pearl: SKIPPED: Cannot find "pearl" in PATH
Gnome Shell Extensions: SKIPPED: Desktop doest not appear to be gnome
SDKMAN!: SKIPPED: Path "/home/ogre/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh" doesn't exist
apm: SKIPPED: Cannot find "apm" in PATH
fossil: SKIPPED: Cannot find "fossil" in PATH
rustup: OK
.NET: SKIPPED: Cannot find "dotnet" in PATH
choosenim: SKIPPED: Cannot find "choosenim" in PATH
cargo: OK
Flutter: SKIPPED: Cannot find "flutter" in PATH
Go: SKIPPED: Cannot find "go" in PATH
Emacs: SKIPPED: Cannot find "emacs" in PATH
opam: SKIPPED: Cannot find "opam" in PATH
vcpkg: SKIPPED: Cannot find "vcpkg" in PATH
pipx: SKIPPED: Cannot find "pipx" in PATH
conda: SKIPPED: Cannot find "conda" in PATH
pip3: OK
stack: SKIPPED: Cannot find "stack" in PATH
tlmgr: SKIPPED: tlmgr must be explicity enabled in the configuration to run in Android/Linux
myrepos: SKIPPED: Cannot find "mr" in PATH
chezmoi: SKIPPED: Cannot find "chezmoi" in PATH
jetpack: SKIPPED: Cannot find "jetpack" in PATH
vim: SKIPPED: Cannot find "vim" in PATH
Neovim: OK
The Ultimate vimrc: SKIPPED: Path "/home/ogre/.vim_runtime" doesn't exist
voom: SKIPPED: Cannot find "voom" in PATH
Kakoune: SKIPPED: Cannot find "kak" in PATH
npm: OK
Containers: SKIPPED: Cannot find "docker" in PATH
deno: SKIPPED: Cannot find "deno" in PATH
composer: SKIPPED: Cannot find "composer" in PATH
krew: SKIPPED: Cannot find "kubectl-krew" in PATH
gem: SKIPPED: Cannot find "gem" in PATH
haxelib: SKIPPED: Cannot find "haxelib" in PATH
sheldon: SKIPPED: Cannot find "sheldon" in PATH
rtcl: SKIPPED: Cannot find "rupdate" in PATH
bin: SKIPPED: Cannot find "bin" in PATH
gcloud: SKIPPED: Cannot find "gcloud" in PATH
micro: SKIPPED: Cannot find "micro" in PATH
raco: SKIPPED: Cannot find "raco" in PATH
spicetify: OK
GitHub CLI Extensions: SKIPPED: Cannot find "gh" in PATH
deb-get: SKIPPED: Cannot find "deb-get" in PATH
toolbx: SKIPPED: Cannot find "toolbox" in PATH
Flatpak: SKIPPED: Cannot find "flatpak" in PATH
snap: SKIPPED: Cannot find "snap" in PATH
pacstall: SKIPPED: Cannot find "pacstall" in PATH
pip packages: OK
pihole: SKIPPED: Cannot find "pihole" in PATH
Firmware upgrades: OK
Restarts: SKIPPED: Cannot find "needrestart" in PATH
Vagrant boxes: SKIPPED: Cannot find "vagrant" in PATH

Pacman backup configuration files found:
MonstrousOgre commented 2 years ago

Nevermind, I though it was updating since a refresh would reset my audio and mouse settings