Closed hturner closed 3 months ago
A confirmation of the segfault on a MacOS system that will be at the Dev Day would be a great first step.
I can confirm that illegal operation has been caught on my Mac (Intel, macOS Monterey 12.7.5) R version 4.4. Here is a log:
library(marquee) library(grid) grid.draw(marquee_grob(marquee:::markdown_test, classic_style()))
caught illegal operation address 0x7ff8011c200a, cause 'illegal opcode'
Traceback: 1:, as.integer(runs$lengths), x$glyphInfo, gx, gy) 2: drawDetails.glyphgrob(x, recording = FALSE) 3: drawDetails(x, recording = FALSE) 4: drawGrob(x) 5: recordGraphics(drawGrob(x), list(x = x), getNamespace("grid")) 6: grid.draw.grob(x$children[[i]], recording = FALSE) 7: grid.draw(x$children[[i]], recording = FALSE) 8: drawGTree(x) 9: recordGraphics(drawGTree(x), list(x = x), getNamespace("grid")) 10: grid.draw.gTree(x$children[[i]], recording = FALSE) 11: grid.draw(x$children[[i]], recording = FALSE) 12: drawGTree(x) 13: recordGraphics(drawGTree(x), list(x = x), getNamespace("grid")) 14: grid.draw.gTree(x$src, recording = FALSE) 15: grid.draw(x$src, recording = FALSE) 16: (function () { cvp <- current.viewport() hjust <- resolveHJust(cvp$just, cvp$hjust) vjust <- resolveVJust(cvp$just, cvp$vjust) pushViewport(viewport(hjust, vjust, just = c(hjust, vjust), mask = "none", layout = cvp$layout, xscale = cvp$xscale, yscale = cvp$yscale), recording = FALSE) grid.draw(x$src, recording = FALSE) popViewport(recording = FALSE)})() 17: .defineGroup(grp$src, grp$op, grp$dst) 18: drawDetails.GridGroup(x, recording = FALSE) 19: drawDetails(x, recording = FALSE) 20: drawGTree(x) 21: recordGraphics(drawGTree(x), list(x = x), getNamespace("grid")) 22: grid.draw.gTree(x$children[[i]], recording = FALSE) 23: grid.draw(x$children[[i]], recording = FALSE) 24: drawGTree(x) 25: recordGraphics(drawGTree(x), list(x = x), getNamespace("grid")) 26: grid.draw.gTree(marquee_grob(marquee:::markdown_test, classic_style())) 27: grid.draw(marquee_grob(marquee:::markdown_test, classic_style()))
Possible actions: 1: abort (with core dump, if enabled) 2: normal R exit 3: exit R without saving workspace 4: exit R saving workspace Selection:
Excellent! Well, terrible that it segfaults. But excellent that you can reproduce it! That gives us something to work with.
Did you build R with the debug flag (-g
We will need to be able to perform the following steps:
, which will give us the process ID (<pid>
)sudo lldb
attach <pid>
Then the fun can start :)
So the previous log was from CRAN installation.
Now I have compiled the R myself on my Mac with -O0 -g
Attached to the process with lldb
as you proposed and I got this from lldb
(lldb) attach 7914
Process 7914 stopped
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
frame #0: 0x00007ff800f8dd1a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__select + 10
-> 0x7ff800f8dd1a <+10>: jae 0x7ff800f8dd24 ; <+20>
0x7ff800f8dd1c <+12>: movq %rax, %rdi
0x7ff800f8dd1f <+15>: jmp 0x7ff800f86d79 ; cerror
0x7ff800f8dd24 <+20>: retq
Target 0: (R) stopped.
Executable module set to "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/R-devel-tomek/Resources/bin/exec/R".
Architecture set to: x86_64h-apple-macosx-.
When I go back to terminal with R console I cannot do anything as R is stopped.
I debugged some simple C program in lldb
previously but it was waaay simpler program than R :)
I managed to make R process continue and went through the same steps as previously to encounter the problem. This is what lldb returns:
(lldb) process continue
Process 7914 resuming
Process 7914 stopped
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0)
frame #0: 0x00007ff8011c200a CoreFoundation`CFRelease.cold.1 + 14
-> 0x7ff8011c200a <+14>: ud2
0x7ff8011c200c <+0>: leaq 0x20eea9(%rip), %rax ; "*** __CFStringCollectionCopy() called with NULL ***"
0x7ff8011c2013 <+7>: movq %rax, 0x415919f6(%rip) ; gCRAnnotations + 8
0x7ff8011c201a <+14>: ud2
Target 0: (R) stopped.
(Right. I think the attach
stops the R process, so you need to c
ontinue in the debugger to proceed. )
Now that you have triggered the problem, it looks like we are deep in Apple land, so we need to go up
to see where in R land this problem occurred. Can you find something that looks like a call within the R source code?
FYI, I will be travelling for the next week, so we may have to pick this back up again in Salzburg :)
The same with me :) I'll do what I can this week and I'm looking forward to work with you in Salzburg.
In the meantime I caught what is happening on the edge between R-land and Apple-land:
thread backtrace
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0)
* frame #0: 0x00007ff8011c200a CoreFoundation`CFRelease.cold.1 + 14
frame #1: 0x00007ff8010140f4 CoreFoundation`CFRelease + 108
frame #2: 0x000000010ab453ae`RQuartz_glyph(n=7, glyphs=0x00007fe166b7099c, x=0x00007fe1676f0708, y=0x00007fe1676f1d08, font=0x00007fe16ba24528, size=10.199999999999999, colour=-16777216, rot=0, dd=0x00007fe16c30f240) at devQuartz.c:3013:5 [opt]
frame #3: 0x000000010a750e12 libR.dylib`GEGlyph(n=<unavailable>, glyphs=<unavailable>, x=<unavailable>, y=<unavailable>, font=<unavailable>, size=<unavailable>, colour=<unavailable>, rot=<unavailable>, dd=0x00006000020bb900) at engine.c:3898:9 [opt]
frame #4: 0x000000010ab92564`L_glyph at typeset.c:88:9 [opt]
Went to this line 3013 of code in devQuartz.c
which is in the function:
void RQuartz_glyph(int n, int *glyphs, double *x, double *y,
SEXP font, double size,
int colour, double rot, pDevDesc dd)
I set the breakpoint and started investigating step by step but lldb
says that
is compiled with optimizations so I don't have access to some variables, particularly cfFontURL
Now I am trying to find the way to recompile
without optimizations and with -g
OK. I was mistaken, cfFontURL
was accessible to inspect.
After some debugging I caught the exact values for which the RQuartz_glyph
So this function is called for bunch of fonts but it will crash for font:
/System/Library/Fonts/Supplemental/Courier New.ttf
This happens for arguments:
(lldb) fr v n rot size colour
(int) n = 7
(double) rot = 0
(double) size = 10.199999999999999
(int) colour = -16777216
The problem arises when trying to get cfFontURL
variable, we get NULL and then we try to release it via CFRelease(cfFontURL);
in line 3013
. It crashes R.
We need to inspect why we get NULL in this line of code:
3009: CFURLRef cfFontURL = CFURLCreateWithString(NULL, cfFontFileName, NULL);
seems to be OK:
(CFStringRef) cfFontFileName = 0x0000600002d74500 "file:///System/Library/Fonts/Supplemental/Courier New.ttf"
but cfFontURL
is NULL.
I checked that I have this font present in this path on my Mac.
The workaround is to check for NULL before releasing the variable but why we get NULL in the first place?
After some more tests in XCode it seems that spaces in the URL are not properly encoded.
When the string looks like this: file:///System/Library/Fonts/Supplemental/Courier%20New.ttf"
is allocated properly.
I guess we need to find a Objective-C function which will do proper encoding for us.
Perhaps CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath
would be a to go function like in this example:
CFURLRef cfFontURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(NULL, cfFontFileName, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle , FALSE);
Needs further testing.
Nice work! We might also benefit from some input from @s-u
Look forward to meeting up in Salzburg.
Simple test case:
font <- glyphFont(file.path("", "System", "Library", "Fonts", "Supplemental", "Courier New.ttf"), 0, "Courier New", 400, "normal")
glyph <- glyphInfo(id=56, x=0, y=0, font=1, size=36, glyphFontList(font),
width=25, height=30)
[x] generate simple test that segfaults - it's in the comment above.
[x] run example that segfaults
[x] find solution and make changes
[x] make check
[x] make check-all
[ ] Paul check for other glyph tests
Bug report
[x] Bugzilla issue:
[x] patch
R dev day
[x] update Heather's spreadsheet
Proposed patch:
Index: src/library/grDevices/src/devQuartz.c
--- src/library/grDevices/src/devQuartz.c (wersja 86828)
+++ src/library/grDevices/src/devQuartz.c (kopia robocza)
@@ -3002,14 +3002,11 @@
Rboolean grouping = QuartzBegin(&ctx, &layer, xd);
- char url[501];
- snprintf(url, 500, "file://%s", R_GE_glyphFontFile(font));
- CFStringRef cfFontFileName =
- CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, url, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
- CFURLRef cfFontURL = CFURLCreateWithString(NULL, cfFontFileName, NULL);
+ const char* path = R_GE_glyphFontFile(font);
+ CFURLRef cfFontURL = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(NULL, (const UInt8*)path, strlen(path), false);
+ if (!cfFontURL) Rf_error("Invalid font path: %s", path);
CFArrayRef cfFontDescriptors =
- CFRelease(cfFontFileName);
int n_fonts = CFArrayGetCount(cfFontDescriptors);
if (n_fonts > 0) {
Many thanks! Now merged in r86891
Thanks Tomasz and Simon!
This an issue that requires debugging C code on macOS and would be working with Paul Murrell (@pmur002).
There have been reports of segfaults on a quartz() device that can be triggered with
This is related to the new dev->glyph() API described in the report Rendering Typeset Glyphs in R Graphics
REQUIREMENTS: building R on macOS with debugging enabled (the draft guide for building R on macOS configures R with debugging enabled).
This could be an opportunity to learn more about debugging C code on macOS. The following may be helpful: