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Bug 17672: seq.Date should accept to,by,length.out (i.e., no need for from) #46

Open MichaelChirico opened 2 months ago

MichaelChirico commented 2 months ago

Bug 17672 - seq.Date should accept to,by,length.out (i.e., no need for from

The idea is for this to "just work":

seq(to = Sys.Date(), length.out=7, by="day")
# Error in seq.Date(to = Sys.Date(), length.out = 7, by = "day") : 
#   'from' must be specified

seq.default() is perfectly capable of doing so:

seq(to=100, length.out=3, by=1)
# [1]  98  99 100

The workaround is far less readable:

Sys.Date() - seq(from = 7-1, to = 0, length.out=7)

And requires us to do a bunch of arithmetic to figure out from in the general Sys.Date(to = t, length.out=n, by='k days').

hturner commented 2 months ago

This is an opportunity to extend the functionality of seq.Date(), which is a pure R function.

MichaelChirico commented 2 months ago

Working on this with @shannonpileggi

Here are some examples and expected outputs

to =  as.Date("2024-08-15")

# by various days
seq(to = to, by = 'day', length.out = 3)
# [1] "2024-08-13" "2024-08-14" "2024-08-15"
seq(to = to, by = '2 days', length.out = 3)
# [1] "2024-08-11" "2024-08-13" "2024-08-15"
seq(to = to, by = 3, length.out = 3)
# [1] "2024-08-09" "2024-08-12" "2024-08-15"

# backwards
seq(to = to, by = "-4 days", length.out=3)
# [1] "2024-08-23" "2024-08-19" "2024-08-15"

# non-integer 'by'
seq(to = to, by = 1.5, length.out = 3)
# [1] "2024-08-12" "2024-08-13" "2024-08-15"

# other by=STRING
seq(to = to, by = "2 weeks", length.out = 3)
[1] "2024-07-18" "2024-08-01" "2024-08-15"
# NB: month,quarter,year are "irregular" in terms of the underlying count of days
seq(to = to, by = "month", length.out = 3)
[1] "2024-06-15" "2024-07-15" "2024-08-15"
seq(to = to, by = "quarter", length.out = 3)
[1] "2024-02-15" "2024-05-15" "2024-08-15"
seq(to = to, by = "year", length.out = 3)
[1] "2022-08-15" "2023-08-15" "2024-08-15"

# by=difftime()
seq(to = to, by = as.difftime(1, units='days'), length.out = 3)
[1] "2024-08-13" "2024-08-14" "2024-08-15"
seq(to = to, by = as.difftime(-1, units='weeks'), length.out = 3)
[1] "2024-08-29" "2024-08-22" "2024-08-15"
MichaelChirico commented 2 months ago

One tangential note:

almost surely, this code should be replaced by dispatching:

if (inherits(by, "difftime")) {
    by <- switch(attr(by,"units"), secs = 1/86400, mins = 1/1440,
                 hours = 1/24, days = 1, weeks = 7) * unclass(by)

Can be replaced by:

if (inherits(by, "difftime")) by <- as.double(by, units="days")

This is shorter & doesn't hardcode the logic for this conversion in a second place.

For the record, the logic is handled by units<-.difftime:


MichaelChirico commented 2 months ago

One branch in seq.Date() covers an old error on this test case:

seq(as.Date("2011-01-07"), as.Date("2011-03-01"), by = "month")
# [1] "2011-01-07" "2011-02-07"

I think this error only applies when both from= and to= are present; we may just need to edit the branching logic there to correspond.

Note that this matches the similar seq.default() behavior:

seq(1, 3, by=5)
# [1] 1
MichaelChirico commented 2 months ago

Current status:

The logic for the cases of by %in% c("months", "quarters", "years") (which results in non-arithmetic sequences of days) overlaps a lot with the corresponding cases for seq.POSIXt() (the difference being the former denominates entries in days, the latter in seconds):



Of course, there's no reason to support inferring from= in seq.Date() but not in seq.POSIXt(), so ideally we can also handle the POSIXt case in the same patch.

Given the substantial overlap of logic of the two functions, we discussed some options with @lawremi:

shannonpileggi commented 2 months ago

not sure if this helps!

seq.POSIXt <-
function(from, to, by, length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL, ...)

    if (!missing(along.with)) {
        length.out <- length(along.with)
    }  else if (!is.null(length.out)) {
        if (length(length.out) != 1L) stop("'length.out' must be of length 1")
        length.out <- ceiling(length.out)

    if (!missing(by) & length(by) != 1L) stop(gettextf("'%s' must be of length 1", "by"), domain=NA)

    status <- which(c(missing(to), missing(from), missing(by), is.null(length.out)))

    if(length(status) != 1L)
        stop("exactly three of 'to', 'from', 'by' and 'length.out' / 'along.with' must be specified")

    if (!missing(to)){
       if (!inherits(to, "POSIXt")) stop(gettextf("'%s' must be a \"POSIXt\" object", "to"), domain=NA)
       if (length(as.Date(to)) != 1L) stop(gettextf("'%s' must be of length 1", "to"), domain=NA)
      cto <- as.POSIXct(to)
      tz <- attr(cto , "tzone")

   if (!missing(from)){
        if (!inherits(from, "POSIXt")) stop(gettextf("'%s' must be a \"POSIXt\" object", "from"), domain=NA)
        if (length(as.Date(from)) != 1L) stop(gettextf("'%s' must be of length 1", "from"), domain=NA)
        cfrom <- as.POSIXct(from)
        tz <- attr(cfrom , "tzone")

    valid <- 0L
    if (inherits(by, "difftime")) {
        by <- switch(attr(by,"units"), secs = 1, mins = 60, hours = 3600,
                     days = 86400, weeks = 7*86400) * unclass(by)
    } else if(is.character(by)) {
        by2 <- strsplit(by, " ", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]
        if(length(by2) > 2L || length(by2) < 1L)
            stop("invalid 'by' string")
        valid <- pmatch(by2[length(by2)],
                        c("secs", "mins", "hours", "days", "weeks",
                          "months", "years", "DSTdays", "quarters"))
        if(is.na(valid)) stop("invalid string for 'by'")

        if(valid <= 5L) {
            by <- c(1, 60, 3600, 86400, 7*86400)[valid]
            if (length(by2) == 2L) by <- by * as.integer(by2[1L])
        } else
            by <- if(length(by2) == 2L) as.integer(by2[1L]) else 1
    } else if(!is.numeric(by)) stop("invalid mode for 'by'")
    if(is.na(by)) stop("'by' is NA")

   # if one of secs, mins, hours, days, or weeks
   if(valid <= 5L) { # days or weeks
        res <- switch(status,
            seq.int(from = unclass(from), by = by,          length.out = length.out), # missing(to)
            seq.int(to   = unclass(to),   by = by,          length.out = length.out), # missing(from)
            seq.int(from = unclass(from), to = unclass(to), length.out = length.out), # missing(by)
            seq.int(from = unclass(from), to = unclass(to), by = by)  # is.null(length.out)
        res <- .POSIXct(as.numeric(res), tz)

    if(valid <= 5L) { # secs, mins, hours, days, weeks
        from <- unclass(as.POSIXct(from))
            res <- seq.int(from, by = by, length.out = length.out)
        else {
            to0 <- unclass(as.POSIXct(to))
            ## defeat test in seq.default
            res <- seq.int(0, to0 - from, by) + from
        return(.POSIXct(res, tz))
    } else {  # months or years or DSTdays or quarters
        r1 <- as.POSIXlt(from)
        if(valid == 7L) { # years
            if(missing(to)) { # years
                yr <- seq.int(r1$year, by = by, length.out = length.out)
            } else {
                to <- as.POSIXlt(to)
                yr <- seq.int(r1$year, to$year, by)
            r1$year <- yr
        } else if(valid %in% c(6L, 9L)) { # months or quarters
            if (valid == 9L) by <- by * 3
            if(missing(to)) {
                mon <- seq.int(r1$mon, by = by, length.out = length.out)
            } else {
                to0 <- as.POSIXlt(to)
                mon <- seq.int(r1$mon, 12*(to0$year - r1$year) + to0$mon, by)
            r1$mon <- mon
        } else if(valid == 8L) { # DSTdays
            if(!missing(to)) {
                ## We might have a short day, so need to over-estimate.
                length.out <- 2L + floor((unclass(as.POSIXct(to)) -
                      unclass(as.POSIXct(from)))/(by * 86400))
            r1$mday <- seq.int(r1$mday, by = by, length.out = length.out)
    r1$isdst <- -1L
    res <- as.POSIXct(r1)
    ## now shorten if necessary.
    if(!missing(to)) {
        to <- as.POSIXct(to)
        res <- if(by > 0) res[res <= to] else res[res >= to]
MichaelChirico commented 2 months ago

Work on this issue has also exposed another (very minor) bug(ish): seq.POSIXt() can return an object of type integer in some cases (it's usually, and should be, double):


MichaelChirico commented 2 months ago

Linking the preliminary patch on r-svn:


I have some tests (added to tests/datetime3.R), but feel like I came up short on other possibilities to check for regression. @shannonpileggi any suggestions for new cases to check?

MichaelChirico commented 2 months ago

To bolster some more confidence in the patch, I found some 33 CRAN packages relying on seq() methods for base time objects & ran their R CMD check under the patched r-devel with this script:


hturner commented 2 months ago

Seems this could be ready to post back on Bugzilla?

MichaelChirico commented 1 month ago

Yep, I was waiting a few days to let things simmer. Posted now: https://bugs.r-project.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17672